a snippet for element-ui,and the snippet is deep coupled with vue-element-admin
install the extensioon and then type l-
.all prefixs are begin with l-
Snipet | Purpose |
l-tabel__row | el-table-column |
l-tabel__row--template | el-table-column with template |
l-tabel__pagination | the custom pagination component |
Snipet | Purpose |
l-form-item__input_trim | el-input in el-from-item with trim |
l-form-item__input_number | el-input in el-from-item with number |
l-form-item__switch | el-switch in el-from-item |
l-form-item__select | el-select in el-from-item |
l-form-item__dateTime | select dateTime in el-from-item |
l-form-item__dateRange | select dataRange in el-from-item |
l-form-item__upload | upload image in el-from-item ,you should import Upload component |
Snipet | Purpose |
l-input__trim | el-input with trim |
l-input__number | el-input with number |
l-input__checkbox | el-checkbox |
l-input__switch | el-switch |
l-input__select | el-select |
l-input__dateTime | select dateTime |
l-input__dateRange | select dataRange |
l-input__textarea | el-input textarea |
l-input__radio | el-radio-group |
l-input__trim--query | el-input with trim and query |
l-input__number--query | el-input with number and query |
l-input__checkbox--query | el-checkbox with query |
l-input__select--query | el-select with query |
l-input__dateRange--query | el-select with query |
Snipet | Purpose |
l-button--primary | primary el-button |
l-button--success | success el-button |
l-button--danger | danger el-button |
l-button--searchIcon | primary el-button with search icon |
l-button--exportIcon | primary el-button with export icon |
l-button--createIcon | primary el-button with create icon |
l-button--addIcon | primary el-button with add icon |
l-button--deleteIcon | primary el-button with delete icon |
Snipet | Purpose |
l-tag--primary | primary el-tag |
l-tag--success | success el-tag |
l-tag--info | info el-tag |
l-tag--warning | warning el-tag |
l-tag--danger | danger el-tag |
Snipet | Purpose |
l-method__skipToRoute | skip to a window in current page |
l-method__skipToRoute--newWindow | skip to a new page |
l-method__skipToPrevious | skip to previous page |
Snipet | Purpose |
l-message__success | success message |
l-message__error | error message |
l-message__confirm | message need to confirm |
some snippet i don't know where to put
Snipet | Purpose |
l-common__opt | the templete of options |
others are deep coupled with vue-element-admin
Snippet | Purpose |
l-base | Single file component base |
l-base__list | Single file list with query and table base |
l-base__deploy | Single file deploy with form base |
Snipet | Purpose |
l-conponent__sticky | Sticky Conponnet |
Snipet | Purpose |
l-method__pagination | handlePagination |
l-method__handleDownload | handleDownload |
l-method__paste | handlePaste |
Snipet | Purpose |
l-api__get | get request |
l-api__get--query | get query request |
l-api__post | post request |
import frequently-used components and util and etc
Snipet | Purpose |
l-import__api | import api from common folder |
l-import__opt | import option from common folder |
l-import__defaultVal | import default from common folder |
l-import__util | import utils |
l-import__fetch | import fetch method from utils floder |
l-import__param | import param method from utils floder |
l-import__parseTime | import parseTime method from utils floder |
l-import__dateTime | import dateTime component from Conponents floder |
l-import__upload | import upload component from Conponents floder |
l-import__upload--plus | import uploadPlus component from Conponents floder |