Used in Google Apps Script
Requires Microsoft Graphs API Access Token
Function Documentation
getAllGoogleClassroomAssignments() - Fetches assignments using a specified email - iterates through all classes the student is enrolled in - retrieves assignments as it iterates through the classes using Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.list() method - puts all assignments into the array "allAssignments" and returns the array with all the student's assignments
createMicrosoftToDoTask() - Creates tasks in Microsoft to do with Microsoft Graph API - Takes taskTitle and taskDueDate as parameters - The API endpoint is used to create the task by sending a POST request
syncGoogleClassroomToMicrosoftToDo() - Synchronization logic - Fetches all GC assignments for the specified student using getAllGoogleClassroomAssignments() - For each assignment fetched, also extracts title and due date - creates task in MTD by using createMicrosoftToDoTask()
Synchronizes using syncGoogleClassroomToMicrosoftToDo