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##Fun and relaxing board game

#To do

MVP [] a 6 x 6 board [] virus appearing randomly on each cell [] not more than 6 virus at the time

nomenclature: target: point: rank: multiplayer:

#improvement rendre anxiogene lorsqu'on se rapproche de la fin du chrono choose the size of the board choose the difficulty level use reel world map to figth the virus play sound simultaniously when i slash many virus configure auto updating of google app store from command line fix permission android issues control splash screen desapearence make the game more insteresting with geo feedback #change ios name (pandemic fighter)


to find your ip adress to provide in env for reacttotron: ipconfig getifaddr en0 todo, build android bundle rebuil ios archive

env variable

copy .copy_env to .env.local and provide values to your env file


to build the app for expo go in the simulator:

what to keep in mind is that you can build expo app either with eas , or with the your local machine.

to lunch app in simulator

make build-sim-ios or manually type expo build:ios -t simulator

you can also build locally instead of with eas with: make build-local-sim-ios

you can also build the ios/android build in local for your simulator without eas make build-ios-local

to build the app for a testor on device: Internal distribution

create a device :

Apps signed with an ad hoc provisioning profile can be installed by any iOS device whose unique identifier (UDID) is registered with the provisioning profile.

make create-ios-device

then send the link to devices that should be add to your list

  • first build the app with eas. it will give you a sharable url create the build for developpment

    make build-ios

    if for any reason : for debug purpose or your company policy require to not use third party CI/CD, you can run eas build in local with eas build --profile development --platform ios --local

    Devices running iOS 16 and above require enabling a special OS-level Developer Mode to install development builds. you can read here but this will come after you install the build.

where to see icons

to see icons:

env variables:

read this to understand variables in env for build

to create a secret on eas use eas secret:create --scope project --name SECRET_NAME --value secretvalue --type string

read Makefile to see available command about secrets


in expo terminal open simulator ios and tap shitf i to choose on which simulator i want to test

Jouez à ce jeux fun et relaxant qui vous fait combattre une pandemie, et challenger vos amis , depuis votre canapé ou dans le métro , juste avec vos doigts #privacy policy

#facebook redirect url

firebase init

firebase projects:list Run firebase firestore:indexes to save indexes

save rules

migrate to expo 42

good reading:

In addition to the most recent release notes, you should go over the breaking changes from skipped releases:

sentry-expo is no longer supported, use @sentry/react-native instead update expo-facebook to (in progress) expo-app-loading deprecated read done create developper account on google create meta developper account (done) @react-native-community/masked-view => remove react-navigation use expo-router update sentry add typescript remove prop-types todo : put secrets in eas add env file move firebase config keys to env or better

i should move app.js content mainly in _layout.js test the initialroutename of the drawer with expo/router#428 maybe i should move tabs in a (tabs) and add an index at the root to handle the redirection manually release channel did not work :

create a development build : i was able to install the provisionning profile on Jo phone but not on mine, so i will probably clean my storage to see later

j'ai un problème avec les version de eslint ce qui fait que je ne capte pas les erreurs. il faut fixer ça puis relancer le build en destination du simulateur

next: migrate to typescript and remove prop-types improve assets loading :

when i clean the return of the layout the code starts to work //i don't know if it's the view that hide the slot , this is not necessarily true.

if i can't maintain the splascreen as i went i should create a second dynamic fake splashscreen that fuse into the view at start

todo: migrate to native firebase later in the project migrate from drawer to a modal that come bottom to top , like in ios

navigation/ (only the navigation logic)

presentation/ uikit/ theme/ component/ users/ game/ container/

domain/ (mainly for model: it's optional) users/ game/

infrastructure/ context/ hooks/ (really important to expose high level method that use infrastructure) services/ repositories/ users/ game/ auth/ api/ redux/ firebase/ utils/

application/(hooks of methods that will reuse infrastructure methods)

shared/ (does not necessarly need to be in a shared) constants/ types/

build eas issues

i was having issue with eas build in local that was not able to get metadata from eslintrc.js so i put eslintrc.js in gitignore so that eas ignored it but it is not a definitive solution . i should maybe put it in easignore file (adding the easignore file created the same error on the easignore file so i only ignore the eslint file in gitignore for now)

i was having another issue with Distribution certificate with fingerprint not imported successfully and i followed this and it worked:

expo/eas-cli#1331 just downlad the certificate and open it

example of expo project


The virus is spreading.






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