This project generates files using CLI. User answers questions about their project and based on user input a polished read-me file is generated and saved. This application is intended to increase user productivity and efficiency by creating formatting automatically.
Clone this repository and run the application with the command line. node index.js will runn application.
Walkthrough Video 1:
Walkthrough Video 2:
User will be prompted to answer the following items:
- What is your project name
- Enter description
- Enter License
- Steps required for install
- Instructions and examples for use
- Collaborators
- Third party assets
- tutorials
- License description
- Screenshots
- Github user id
- Github link
- email address
- How can others contribute
- How to test project
After entries a markdown file will be created with a header, table of contents, installation, usage, credits, license, contributing, tests, and questions sections. The user can use this as many times as desired, however it is recommended that after each read-me is generated, the user save the file, because it will be over-written upon next use.
- Javascript
- node.js
- npm inquirer
- VS Stuidio
-Will require further development to include specific placement of imagery.
Made with ❤️ by Lindsey Krause with starter files from Trilogy