This repository implements the fast and exact structural graph clustering algorithm proposed in our ICDE 2016 paper. If you are using the code, please cite our paper.
Lijun Chang, Wei Li, Xuemin Lin, Lu Qin, and Wenjie Zhang,. pSCAN: Fast and exact structural graph clustering. ICDE'16, 2016
$ make clean
$ make
$ ./pscan {graph_directory} {epsilon} {mu} output[optional]
For example,
$ ./pscan datasets/CA-GrQc 0.2 3 output
Note that, the output is stored as ${graph_directory}/result-${epsilon}-${mu}.txt
Each graph is represented by two binary files, b_adj.bin and b_degree.bin (e.g. datasets/CA-GrQc/b_adj.bin and datasets/CA-GrQc/b_degree.bin). More details of the data format can be found in