OpenPDF is a Java library for creating and editing PDF files with a LGPL and MPL open source license. OpenPDF is the LGPL/MPL open source successor of iText, and is based on some forks of iText 4 svn tag. We welcome contributions from other developers. Please feel free to submit pull-requests and bugreports to this GitHub repository.
Get version 2.0.3 here:
Please note: Repositories like Maven Central and others may take a few days to update.
Some of the features of OpenPDF include:
- Creating PDFs: You can use OpenPDF to create new PDF documents from scratch.
- Manipulating Existing PDFs: OpenPDF allows you to modify existing PDF documents by adding or removing pages, modifying text, and more.
- Text and Font Support: You can add text to PDF documents using various fonts and styles, and extract text from PDF files.
- Graphics and Images: OpenPDF supports the addition of images and graphics to PDF files.
- Table Support: The library facilitates the creation of tables in PDF documents.
- Encryption: You can encrypt PDF documents for security purposes.
- Page Layout: OpenPDF allows you to set the page size, orientation, and other layout properties.
Add this to your pom.xml file to use the latest version of OpenPDF:
OpenPDF uses dual licensing: when using the library, you may choose either Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 or GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1.
The SPDX license identifier for OpenPDF licensing is MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1+
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Version 2.1
For a short explanation see
Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
For a short explanation see
You can find also a nice explanation of these licenses under
We want OpenPDF to consist of source code which is consistently licensed with the LGPL and MPL licences only. This also means that any new contributions to the project must have a dual LGPL and MPL license only.
- Examples
- JavaDoc
- Tutorial (wiki, work in progress)
- Migration from iText, TIFF support
OpenPDF is open source software with a LGPL and MPL license. It is a fork of iText version 4, more specifically iText svn tag 4.2.0, which was hosted publicly on sourceforge with LGPL and MPL license headers in the source code, and LGPL and MPL license documents in the svn repository. Beginning with version 5.0 of iText, the developers have moved to the AGPL to improve their ability to sell commercial licenses.
OpenPDF ancestors in GitHub (in fork order):
- @rtfarte / OpenPDF - parent of LibrePDF/OpenPDF
- @kulatamicuda / iText-4.2.0
- @daviddurand / iText-4.2.0
- @ymasory / iText-4.2.0 - original parent on GitHub
- Spring Framework
- flyingsaucer
- Digital Signature Service
- Confluence PDF Export
- OpenCMS, Nuxeo Web Framework, QR Invoice Library and many closed source commercial applications as well.
- Full list here: Artifacts using OpenPDF
OpenPDF can be used with Android, more info here: Android-support
Release the hounds! Please send all pull requests. Make sure that your contributions can be released with a dual LGPL and MPL license. In particular, pull requests to the OpenPDF project must only contain code that you have written yourself. GPL or AGPL licensed code will not be acceptable.
To contribute code to the OpenPDF project, your GitHub account must contain your real name, so that we can verify your identity. This is to ensure the trust, security and integrity of the OpenPDF project, and to prevent security incidents such as the "XZ Utils backdoor". Knowning the real name of the contributors will also identify and prevent conflict of interests.
More details: Contributing
- Code indentation style is 4 spaces. Maximum line length is 120 characters.
- Generally try to preserve the coding style in the file you are modifying.
We have now different versions of OpenPDF, and they require different versions of Java:
- The 2.0.x Branch requires Java 17 or later.
- The 1.4.x Branch requires Java 11 or later.
- The 1.3.x Branch requires Java 8 or later.
- Some versions of 1.3 where release with Java 11 as minimum requirement, but we have reverted this to Java 8 as minimum requirement.
- OpenPDF versions 2.0.x: We are working on modernizing the OpenPDF library for Java 17+.
As of 1.3.21 the UTF-8 Liberation fonts moved to its own module, to reduce the size of the OpenPDF
jar. If you want to use the bundled UTF-8 fonts, please add the following dependency to your project
and use the class org.librepdf.openpdf.fonts.Liberation
OpenPDF supports glyph substitution which is required for correct rendering of fonts ligature substitution requirements. FOP dependency is required to enable this feature. Refer following wiki for details: wiki
OpenPDF supports OpenType layout, glyph positioning, reordering and substitution which is e.g. required for correct positioning of accents, the rendering of non-Latin and right-to-left scripts. OpenPDF supports DIN 91379. See: wiki
- BouncyCastle (BouncyCastle is used to sign PDF files, so it's a recommended
- Provider (
depending on which algorithm you are using) - PKIX/CMS (
- Provider (
- Apache FOP (
) - Please refer to our pom.xml to see what version is needed.
Please see