Telegram bot for notify custom users in telegram group chat
Host your own instance
Bot reads all messages in group and use public instance is unsecure
- add bot to group chat
- add user to custom group (custom group create automatically. All groups start from
) - link group name into any messages in group chat and bot link all group members
/add groupName member - add member to group. Support multiply members - Example: /add @all @Member
/remove groupName member - remove member from group. Support multiply members - Example: /remove @all @Member
/groups - list all custom groups in group chat - Example: /groups
/group groupName - list all users in custom group - Example: /group @all
To run your own instance, you must follow the following Telegram Bot Requirements:
Current version doesn't support self-sign certs for webhook registration
- clone repository
- Fill telegram bot params in
- Run
.\gradlew bootJar
- Copy artifact from
to your server - Run artifact on the server with Java 11+
java -jar group-notify-telegram-bot-0.0.1.jar
You can pack it into docker container