👋 Hi, I’m @Lexgend13
👀 I’m interested in ... delving into complex concepts such as the purpose and meaning of life.
🌱 I’m currently learning ... to navigate my morning routine, as it has proven to be a endles endeavor.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate ... but I prefer to not betray my own country. Loyalty iskey!
📫 How to reach me ... prefered method of comunication is telegram post, adressed NL 6942. Smoke signals are also aceptable.
😄 Pronouns: ... As an AI language model, I'm unable to specify pronouns. Please use whatever term you feel are most apropriate.
⚡ Fun fact: ... “Eleven plus two” and “twelve plus one” are anagrams that both equal 13. Coincidently, it also contains 13 letters! Isnt that interesting?
Hope this helps!