The Previder provider is used to interact with resources on the Previder IaaS environment. The provider needs to be configured with an API token that will be provided by Previder.
Before using this README, make sure that you have installed the Previder Provider using INSTALL.
provider "previder" {
token = "<token>"
The following arguments are supported:
- token - (Required) This is your personal API token for accessing resources in the Previder IaaS environment.
resource "previder_virtualnetwork" "testlab-net" {
name = "testlab-net"
address_pool = [
ip_start = ""
ip_end = ""
ip_netmask = ""
ip_gateway = ""
ip_nameserver1 = ""
ip_nameserver2 = ""
The following arguments are supported:
- name : (Required) The network name
- address_pool : (Optional) Create a new pool of addresses after creating the network.
- ip_start : (Required) Specify the first usable network address.
- ip_end : (Required) Specify the last usable network address.
- ip_netmask : (Required) Specify network mask ip address.
- ip_gateway : (Optional) Specify gateway ip address.
- ip_nameserver1 : (Optional) Specify nameserver ip address.
- ip_nameserver2 : (Optional) Specify nameserver ip address.
resource "previder_virtualmachine" "testlab-vm1" {
name = "testlab-vm1"
cpucores = 2
memory = 1024
template = "Ubuntu LTS"
cluster = "Express"
disk = [
{ size = 10240 }
network_interface = [
{ network = "Public WAN" }
user_data = <<EOF
- name: ubuntu
passwd: <base64 encrypted password>
connection {
user = "ubuntu"
type = "ssh"
timeout = "2m"
resource "previder_virtualmachine" "testlab-vm1" {
name = "testlab-vm1"
cpucores = 2
memory = 1024
template = "Ubuntu LTS"
cluster = "Express"
disk = [
{ size = 10240 }
network_interface = [
{ network = "Public WAN" }
depends_on = ["previder_virtualnetwork.www-net"]
user_data = <<EOF
- "ssh-rsa <insert public key>"
- "ssh-rsa <insert public key>"
connection {
user = "ubuntu"
type = "ssh"
timeout = "2m"
The following arguments are supported:
- name - (Required)
- cpucores - (Required)
- memory - (Required)
- disk - (Required)
- cluster - (Optional)
- network_interface - (Required)
- network - (Required)
- template - (Optional)
- user_data - (Optional)
- termination_protection - (Optional)
As projects besides e.g. the Previder Portal, the development team at Previder develops and maintains multiple projects aiming to integrate the previder IaaS environment.
This project uses the API client from the previder-go-sdk project.
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Send a merge request describing your exact problem, what and how you fixed it