Please try the bot here: My Discord Server
- Economy
- Inventory
- Shop
- Singleplayer and Multiplayer games
- Build a bot at
- Enable all 3 intents
- Copy the token for later
npm i
Enter your bot's token and discord user ID in "/settings.json" (You can rename "/sample_settings.json):
"token": "BOTTOKENHERE",
"admin": "345103284463206400",
"prefix": "-",
"mainchannel": "1101531707934527580",
"channels": ["1101531707934527580"],
"color": "23F843"
node bot.js
Because your bot needs to be in a server where the custom emotes are present, there is a utility that adds all the necessary emotes in any server. Run -setupemotes in the server you want the emotes to be added in. Please make sure that:
- The channel you're executing the command in is in the settings.json's "channels"
- The bot has "Manage Expressions" permissions
- There are enough emote slots (12 or more)
- When done, copy the generated JSON into "emojis.json" and restart the bot.