The official repository for the paper:
Robots often face situations where grasping a goal object is desirable but not feasible due to other present objects preventing the grasp action. We present a deep Reinforcement Learning approach to learn grasping and pushing policies for manipulating a goal object in highly cluttered environments to address this problem.
In particular, a dual reinforcement learning model approach is proposed, which presents high resilience in handling complicated scenes, reaching
- Python 3.6
- CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_1_0_Ubuntu18_04
pip install -r requirementsMethod1.txt
- Python 3.8
- CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_2_0_Ubuntu20_04
pip install -r requirementsMethod2.txt
We have made a container publicly available which is useful to be used in High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters
singularity .sif image file can be downloaded from .sif It contains Ubnutu 20.04 image and all the required packages to run the model training and testing. One needs to bind the project file to be able to run the project.
There are two branches in this repository. The main one has no mask as input to the model. The maskInput branch has the mask of the goal object as input to the model. Both trained models are available, and the rest of the procedure is the same for the two different approaches.
We trained the modelsusing NVIDIA V100 Graphics Processing Unit for fastertraining time.
# Grasp Goal agnostic
python --stage grasp_only --num_obj 5 --goal_conditioned --goal_obj_idx 4 --experience_replay --explore_rate_decay --save_visualizations
# Grasp Goal conditioned
python --stage grasp_only --num_obj 5 --grasp_goal_conditioned --goal_conditioned --goal_obj_idx 4 --experience_replay --explore_rate_decay --save_visualizations --grasp_explore --load_explore_snapshot --explore_snapshot_file '.pth file from the previous training'
# Push training
python --stage push_only --grasp_reward_threshold Qg --grasp_goal_conditioned --goal_conditioned --goal_obj_idx k --experience_replay --explore_rate_decay --save_visualizations --load_snapshot --snapshot_file 'DIRECTORY OF YOUR PRE-TRAINDE GOAL-CONDITIONED PUSH-GRASP NET'
To minimize the distribution mismatch problem we alternate the training we first start with the grasp training since the push has improved in performance compared to the previous stage.
# Alternate to grasp training
python --stage push_only --alternating_training --grasp_goal_conditioned --goal_conditioned --goal_obj_idx 4 --experience_replay --explore_rate_decay --save_visualizations --load_snapshot --snapshot_file '.pth file from the previous training'
# Alternate to push training
python --stage push_only --grasp_reward_threshold 1.8 --grasp_goal_conditioned --goal_conditioned --goal_obj_idx 4 --experience_replay --explore_rate_decay --save_visualizations --load_snapshot --snapshot_file '.pth file from the previous training'
pre-trained model can be downloaded from model
Compact scenario where the target object is occluded with structured clutter, The termianl output is saved to a text file so that can be later used for evaluation.
python --stage push_grasp --num_obj 10 --experience_replay --explore_rate_decay --is_testing --test_preset_cases --test_preset_file 'simulation/test-cases/test-10-obj-06.txt' --load_snapshot --snapshot_file '.pth trained model or our trained model' --save_visualizations --grasp_goal_conditioned --goal_conditioned --goal_obj_idx 1 > test1.txt
Unstructured case of testing keep the goal object set below to 1 since the goal object has to be the green object, c is the number of objects that can be placed in the environment, max 20. Thhere are more test files in the directory with a different goal object shape that can be used. The termianl output is saved to a text file so that can be later used for evaluation.
python --stage push_grasp --num_obj c --experience_replay --explore_rate_decay --is_testing --test_preset_cases --test_preset_file 'simulation/test-cases/Test0.txt' --load_snapshot --snapshot_file '.pth trained model or our trained model' --save_visualizations --grasp_goal_conditioned --goal_conditioned --goal_obj_idx 1 > test2.txt
First modify the directory to the teminal output text file (i.e., test1.txt), then run the below script.
We made use of the code made by
We thank the Center for Information Technology of the University of Groningen for their support and for providing access to the Peregrine high performance computing cluster.