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UltraWeather gives user-friendly, actionable weather forecasts.

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Live demo: User-friendly weather forecast


At a glance, quickly determine:

  • Is it warmer than yesterday? Colder than the day before?
  • Is it warm enough for short sleeves?
  • Do I need sunscreen? An umbrella?

UltraWeather also gives a better intuitive sense of the temperature.

Advanced Usage

UltraWeather options are set via the URL:

Specify a location

Locations are retrieved from the OpenWeather geocoding API, and sorted to prefer some countries like the US.

Choose which weather API to use

Get debug info

Debug Info

How to build:

git clone
cd ultra-weather

yarn            # Install dependencies.
netlify init    # Connect to Netlify.
    # Answer like this at prompts:
    # Your build command: "yarn dev"
    # Directory to deploy to: "public"
    # Netlify functions folder: "functions"
netlify dev     # Start the local server!

The above will fall back to mock data, since no API keys are configured. To show live weather data, set up your API keys:

cp .env-example .env
## Edit .env file with your own API keys
netlify dev

Get your own API keys:

All these services offer a generous free tier:

  • OpenWeather This API is also used to geocode place names to lat/long.

  • Visual Crossing

  • Dark Sky (Unfortunately Dark Sky API does not accept new signups.)

  • ip-api Used to geocode IP address to lat/long. No API key needed, but listed here for reference.

You may also need to install/configure Netlify Dev


UltraWeather gives user-friendly, actionable weather forecasts.



