REST API for SaveMe Application
POST to You can pass the following in the body, all as strings: - name - email - phone - device_id (something I put if you want to generate some device specific metadata)If successful, this will respond with a JSON with a success message, and the user object. You should save the _user_id, as this is necessary for creating emergencies.
PUT to You can pass all the above params in the body. It will respond with the user object if successful. POST to You can pass all the following params in the body: - name - email - phone all as strings of course Will return a contact object with an id, you should save this in case you want to edit contacts later Edit contact same as editing user POST to You can pass the following params in the body: - user_id - location (string)It will return the emergency object, not that useful to you but at least you will know it was successful.