There are 4 main portions: The main config.toml file, the data (.yml) files, the css files for styling, and the html files.
- config.toml: It has two main sections:
- The first section is for the various navbar items, like home, about etc. The urls can either route to a different section in the same page (if prefixed by a #) or different subpages (if prefixed by a /)
- The second section is for the various sections in the main page, like about, projects (portfolio) etc. The data for all the headings and paragraphs (barring the individual project and team member cards) is also present here.
- data files: The data for the various pages is present in different parts of the code:
- Main page: As mentioned earlier, the data present in the various sections in the main page is mostly present in the config.toml file
- /data : This contains the data for the various sub-pages. Much of this is irrelevant, and has been commented out. The data for the team-member cards is present in team.yml (it uses images from static/images/team) and the data for the project/portfolio cards is present in gallery.yml (it uses images from static/images/portfolio)
- Data for the blogs: The data for the various blogs is present in the .md files in content/blog
- Data for the projects: The data for the various projects is present in the .md files in content/portfolio
- css files: All of the css is present in assets/css/style.css . This file has been copied from themes/timer-hugo and only this file should be modified. Bootstrap items can be modified using
- html files: The various html files are present in the 'layouts' directory. The html files in layouts/partials are used for elements/sections that appear across many pages, like the about-section, contact-section etc.
The html file for the main page is index.html. The subpages use a combination of the html files from the
directory, and the files from the relevant sub-directory (egs: timer/site/portfolio uses the portfolio sub-directory).