Added complete support for the Japanese versions of all three games. Japanese text is also now displayed correctly.
Added a player character editor.
Added a tileset editor.
The sprite editor can now edit and save certain things, such as parts and animation speed.
The item editor can now edit extra skill data like max projectiles on screen or SP needed to master.
The text editor now supports more text commands, such as changing text color.
The GFX editor now supports 1-dimensional graphics mode.
Added a button to the entity editor to delete the entity from the room.
Added an Export button to the sprite editor that saves all of the sprite's frames to the hard drive.
Fixed a bug with the map editor where newly added tiles in PoR/OoE wouldn't show up ingame.
The sprite skeleton viewer now supports playing skeletal animations.
Documented many more attributes and variables for enemies, special objects, and items.
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