(Much of this was identified by John H. Clark, the Data Visualization and GIS Librarian at Lafayette College)
Managing Base Maps (for interfacing with a Web Mapping Service [e. g. GeoServer])
Managing TIFF images as datastream content within the repository
Managing GeoTIFF (georectified) images within the WMS (GeoServer)
- Should a persistent URI to this be stored somewhere within a RELS-EXT triple to this asset?
Managing a World file generated from the GeoTIFF (text/plain)
Managing Feature Sets (for interfacing with a Web Feature Service [GeoServer])
Managing an ESRI Shapefile
The zipped contents of the Shapefile should be managed within a datastream (application/zip)
Should a separate Object also be managed (and linked via RELS-EXT) which could contain the components of a Shapefile, or would this be too complex?
- In the case that a linked, Shapefile Object is desirable...
- DBF content should be managed within a datastream (application/dbase) (Please see the following)
- SHP content should be managed within a datastream (application/x-qgis) (A more preferable MIME type could not be located)
- SHX content should be managed within a datastream
- PRJ content should be managed within a datastream
KML data should be managed within a datatream (application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml) (inline XML)
GML data may be managed within a datastream (application/gml+xml) (inline XML)
- For our cases this could, potentially, be derived from the GML Document
TopoJSON data may be managed within a datastream (application/json) (we intend to use this for JavaScript visualization)
MODS data should be managed within a datastream (inline XML) (this would follow the schema outlined by contributors to the GeoHydra Project [i. e. GML envelopes and other OGP vocab. terms integrated with a MODS schema])
- We were intending to request to use an XSL Stylesheet developed by the GeoHydra contributors
(This was posed as a question by Kim Pham of the Digital Scholarship Unit at the UTSC Library)
- Managing Feature Sets (for interfacing with a Web Feature Service [GeoServer])
- Managing an ESRI Shapefile
- How must .shp.xml content be managed?
- How must .mxd content be managed?
- How must .lyr content be managed?