This is a Copier IaC template to deploy an OTree experiment on the LS Shikano BW cloud projekt.
Ansible Role UBUNTU20-CIS:
ansible-galaxy install -r ansible/requirements.yml
To generate an IaC project from this repo, run the command below and replace "experiment_name" with a suitable name.
copier copy --UNSAFE gh:LS-Shikano/bw_cloud_otree_template <experiment_name>
This will start an interactive session in your terminal during which you have to provide:
server_name: Hostname and name of server in the BWCloud portal. Valid characters for hostnames are ASCII(7) letters from a to z, the digits from 0 to 9, and the hyphen (-). A hostname may not start with a hyphen.
server_flavor: What type of server do you want to create? This determines the ressources that are allocated for the server. See
ssh_key_path: Under which path is your public ssh key located? Example:
os_user_id: Go to and insert the User ID.
github_repo: Provide the GitHub repo of the OTree experiment you want to deploy. Example:
github_token: Provide a GitHub token that can access the repo. Follow this tutorial. Select LS-Shikano as resource owner. Select "only selected repositories" and select the repo containing the experiment. Under Repo permissions select Read only for Content.
Set environment variables To use the OpenStack apis with terraform you need your user Id and application credentials. Best practice is to set these tokens via the terminal with so they are not included in your code.
Navigate to the terraform subfolder and initialize terraform.
terraform init
If you dont want to change the terraform script, run the teraform apply command. The generates a plan you can review before approving it. After approval the VPS will be created.
terraform apply
Wait 5 minutes for the VPS to be initialized. The Cloud Init script has to finish running. If you run the ansible script before, errors can occur. You can verify this by connecting to the server manually and then check if docker is installed by just typing
Navigate to the ansible subfolder and run
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --vault-password-file=.vault_pw
You should now be able to access the OTree dashboard under the URL you can find in the file