Hey there, Welcome to the Connect 4 game made as a project for AWD module. In this repository you will find all the necessary files to run the application. The game Connect4 was developed by a group of students at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences as part of the block course 'Advanced Web Development' in SS 2021.
Project Developers:
- Nikita Fabian Bogutzki
- Joseph Acosta-Becker
- Felix Clemens Karl Christians
- Lavinia Mihut
- Haythem Trabelsi
- React
- Express
- Node
Our Motivation in this project was to overcome the classic rule of Connect 4 of having set rules. Therefore we decided to implement this game with the advantages that in our game you can adjust the size of the playing field as you like, so that the joy of playing can never be lost.
This application is based on docker, therefore you need to install docker locally. Take a look under this link on how to do that. https://docs.docker.com/get-started/
You can start the whole project with docker-compose up -d
and you will find the project under http://localhost:3000
- Go to the initial folder and start the Frontend/Backend/Database with
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec backend bash
npm run typeorm schema:drop # Deletes the current schema
npm run typeorm schema:sync # Creates a schema based on your data
- Go to the initial folder and start the Frontend/Backend/Database with
docker-compose up
The frontend of this project is accessible under http://localhost:3000
Upon entring this URL you will find the first page which is the login/Register page.
- Upon accessing the login page you will have to register as a user in order to be able to play the game.
- This page is also accessible under
After logging in you will be directed to the dashboard page, in which you will find the following features
- Played Games
- In this section you will find the history of all the games that you have played in the past.
- Profile
- In this section you will find your Elo Score, how many games you've won and lost.
- Leaderboard
- In this section you will find a leaderboard of players that exist in the Database.
This page is also accessible under http://localhost:3000/dashboard
After you click the button Next Game
in Dashboard you will be directed to the new game page.
In this page you can specify the preferred settings that you want to play the game with such as :
- Board Width
- Board Heigth
- Row count to win
Afterwards you can create a room for the game and wait until an opponent comes. You can do this by clicking Create Game Session
Otherwise you can see all the available rooms and choose one of them unless there is more than two players in the room.
When you have already chosen a room you can find all the details regarding that room on the Game Room Details
section on the right.
After choosing a room you can join this room to play by clicking the Join as Player
This page is also accessible under http://localhost:3000/newgame
After choosing your preferred settings and joining a room you will be directed to the main page of this project, which is the game page. In this page you can actually play the game against an opponent along with communicating with him through the chat box. It is also possible to redo some moves with the help of the buttons on the bottom.
In this page you have the ability to either change your name or to change the theme of the website.
There are two available themes Dark Theme
and Light Theme
This page is also accessible under http://localhost:3000/settings
In every page of this website there is a navigation list on the left with which you can access all the available pages. and most importantly you can logout of the website by clicking Logout
You can find here some information about the functionality of the webpage.
This page is also accessible under http://localhost:3000/help
The global router is the main router with which an access to all endpoints is available. possible subrouters are player
, game
and move
With the player router it is possible to:
- Create a player
with POST
- Read all players
with GET
- Update a player
with PUT
- Delete a player
- Sorting players based on their Elo scores.
with GET
With the game router it is possible to:
- Create a game
with POST
- Read all games
with GET
- Update a game
with PUT
- Delete a game
- Limit number of shown games
with GET
- Games played by a single player
with GET
- Players playing in one game
with GET
- Number of games Won by a player
with GET
- Number of games Lost by a player
with GET
With the move router it is possible to:
- Create a move
with POST
- Read all moves of one game
with GET
With the user router it is possible to:
- Register as a new player
with POST
- Login to the website with your credentials such as E-Mail and password
with POST