FOP_Mythoclast is a tool designed to identify Function-Oriented Programming (FOP) gadgets within ARM and x86-64 binaries. It is based on the research presented in the dissertation "Bypassing Modern CPU Protections With Function-Oriented Programming" (
The tool utilizes the following required libraries, which can be installed via pip3:
FOP_Mythoclast is built upon the pysymemu framework, which provides symbolic execution capabilities.
To install the required dependencies, use pip3:
pip3 install z3-solver capstone pwntools pyelftools
usage: [-h] -c CORE [-o OUTFILE] [-q] [-wc WORDCOUNT] [-gd GADGETDEPTH] [-nc] [-ar AVOIDREG] [-tr TARGETREG]
[-rt] [-rv REGVALUE] [-kv KNOWNVALUE] [-tj] [-nw] [-nr] [-ns] [-m32] [-fd] [-cy CYCLES] [-lm LOOPMAX]
-h, --help: Display help message and exit.
-c CORE, --core CORE: Core file to load data from.
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE: Target to write gadgets to.
-q, --quiet: Does not display anything to stdout (requires -o).
-wc WORDCOUNT, --wordcount WORDCOUNT: Max number of characters to display in stdout.
-gd GADGETDEPTH, --gadgetdepth GADGETDEPTH: Max number of instructions to search through functions for (default=15).
-nc, --noconstraints: Only display gadgets that have no listed constraints.
-ar AVOIDREG, --avoidreg AVOIDREG: Only display gadgets that do not touch the supplied registers.
-tr TARGETREG, --targetreg TARGETREG: Only display gadgets that contain one of the listed registers.
-rt, --requiretarget: Require that the listed gadgets have all of the listed registers from targetreg.
-rv REGVALUE, --regvalue REGVALUE: Only display gadgets containing one of the listed registers with the listed value.
-kv KNOWNVALUE, --knownvalue KNOWNVALUE: Set values to registers to check for useful gadgets.
-tj, --truejumps: Only take jumps that are guaranteed to be true.
-nw, --nowrite: Do not allow any gadgets that have write constraints.
-nr, --noread: Do not allow any gadgets that have read constraints.
-ns, --noseg: Do not allow any gadgets that reference a segment.
-m32, --m32: Treat all register value comparisons as 32-bit.
-fd, --finddispatcher: Ignore other options and attempt to find all dispatchers in the file.
-cy CYCLES, --cycles CYCLES: Max number of instructions to step through when executing.
-lm LOOPMAX, --loopmax LOOPMAX: Max number of times an address can be hit.
-as, --avoidsyscall: Set to avoid syscall instructions.
-fa FUNCTIONATTEMPTS, --functionattempts FUNCTIONATTEMPTS: Set the number of times to check a function.
The tool is currently single-threaded and may not perform optimally for large binaries or deep searches. Memory management may not be optimized, leading to potential performance issues with large inputs.
The tool is designed to run in any Python 3 supported environment but is optimized for Linux-based core files currently.
The core file requires the data of the executable area to be included. Generate coredumps by running:
echo 0x37 > /proc/self/coredump_filter
Capstone engine version 4.0 or higher is required to include necessary instructions. However, note that there may be Capstone bugs impacting functionality.
For more details and research background, refer to the dissertation linked above. The tool is designed to assist in the identification of FOP gadgets for research and security purposes.