Pytanque is a Python API for lightweight communication with the Rocq proof assistant.
You should setup a virtual env first, e.g., using pyenv virtualenv:
pyenv virtualenv 3.12.2 pytanque
pip install -e .
First start the pet-server
cd /path/to/coq-lsp/petanque
dune exec -- pet-server
Then, the class Pytanque is the main entry point to communicate with the Petanque server.
Assuming you have a coq file named tests/foo.v
which contains a theorem addnC
you can try the following.
from pytanque import Pytanque
with Pytanque("", 8765) as pet:
state = pet.start(file="./examples/foo.v", thm="addnC")
state = pet.run_tac(state, "induction n.", verbose=True)
state = pet.run_tac(state, "auto.", verbose=True)
state = pet.run_tac(state, "lia.", verbose=True)
You can quickly try a similar example with
python examples/