Fastest batch TIKs (eShop TIcKets) maker and installer on the planet, right on your 3DS!
- Doesn't anymore rely on encTitleKeys.bin nor any files, direct table parse from that title key site;
- Complete revamp, 1 click take-them-all in less than 5 minutes;
- Reads already installed tickets and only generates missing ones;
- Direct installs generated tickets!
- Removes temp files, leaving only table for local storage.
- Region filtering;
- Separate menu items for single things;
- QR to CIA for quick installing and updating TIKdevil;
- eShop redirection;
- More speeding and stuff 😸
TIKdevil depends on libctru and a git submodule that will need to be fetched.
When initially fetching the project, the easiest way to get the code and submodules for building is the following:
git clone --recursive
If you have already checked out the code without the submodules, you can run the following command in the project directory to fetch the submodule data:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Thanks to cearp and Drakia for CIAngel! Many thanks for machinamentum and FirmwareDownloader! Thanks to make_cdn_cia! License is GPL to comply with the usage of make_cdn_cia code.