A recommendation system is a subclass of Information filtering Systems that seeks to predict the rating or the preference a user might give to an item. In simple words, it is an algorithm that suggests relevant items to users. Eg: In the case of Netflix which movie to watch, In the case of e-commerce which product to buy, or In the case of kindle which book to read, etc.
This is a streamlit
web application that can recommend various kinds of similar movies based on an user interest. here is a demo,
Run it on live server
#Clone the repository
Step 01- Create a conda environment after opening the repository
conda create -n movie_rec_sys python=3.8 -y
conda activate movie_rec_sys
Step 02- install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 03- run this file to generate the models
Step 04- Now run,
streamlit run app.py
After, Deployed in Heroku