ELI (Esoteric Language Interpreter) is interpreter and transpiler of several simple esoteric languages written in C++. Right now it supports Brainf*ck, Ook! and compressed Ook! language.
Download this repository and run make
to compile Interpreter and Transpiler.
If you want to use only one part of the program, you can also run make Interpreter
to make only the interpreter part, make Transpiler
to make only the transpiler.
Program does not use any other libraries and so it should be compiled without any problem on any Unix like OS.
Interpreter can automatically detect given language (and it's not dependent on the file suffix). Transpiler can also detect input language and without any aditional flags it will transpile your input to all supoorted languages. You can specify just one with flags.
For more information run the program with -h
flag (or simply incorrecly ;))
?> ./Interpreter source.bf
Hello, I am the interpreter.
?> ./Transpiler source.bf
No language was selected - transpiling into all supported languages
Generating Brainfuck code
Generating compressed Ook! code
Generating Ook! code
- Jakub Kulik, [email protected]