Easily display toast notifications to users. The module defines four common alert levels (success, info, warning and error) and takes care of managing toast lifecycles.
See the demo to get a nice overview of the capabilities.
elm package install KtorZ/elm-notification
Within your app, first connect the effects runner to a port (or alternatively, merged it into one of your effects signal that is already bound to a port).
port notifications : Signal (Task Effects.Never ())
port notifications =
Then, fold on the view signal and display a view accordingly:
view : Html -> Html
view notifications =
div [] [notifications]
main =
Signal.map view Notification.view
To actually send a notification, use the address
provided by the module:
view : Html -> Html
view notifications =
controls = button [onClick Notification.address (Notification.info "Elm rocks!")] [text "Go"]
div [] [notifications, controls]
- Allow colors and easing animations to be configured
- First version, display notifications of four different types