Current Network Setup Unsorted Commands Put any new commands into this unsorted commands file and they will be sorted and linked on the main readme Powershell Code Snippets Active Directory Active Directory Management Group and User Management Distinguished Name Maintenance Database Defragmentation Create Snapshot Mounting and Navigating Snapshot Scripts Removing Password Complexity ASCII ASCII Tables Docker Docker Install Script Installing Docker with Powershell NanoServer Stuff Nano Server Creation Deploying Nano Server on Host Virtual Machine Stuff Making a New Virtual Hard Drive NAT Enabled Switch Mass Changing VM Network Adapters Enabling Nested Virtualisation Domain Stuff Joining Computer to Domain Remove Computer from Non-existant Domain Creating a Domain Controller DNS Server Adding New (A) Record Retrieving All Records From Zone Creating Secondary Zone (Non Domain Joined) Creating Forward Lookup Zone (with Reverse Lookup Zone) Windows Stuff Desired State Configuration Updating with Powershell Networking Enabling Echo Request Setting DNS Server/s with Powershell Connect to iSCSI Target