Create packet encoders and decoders without writing any encode or decode method.
import xpacket;
class MyPacket : PacketImpl!(Endian.bigEndian, ubyte, varuint) {
enum ubyte ID = 1;
uint integer;
ubyte[] array;
@LittleEndian short le;
mixin Make;
MyPacket packet = new MyPacket();
packet.integer = 12;
packet.array = [1, 2, 3];
packet.le = 1;
assert(packet.autoEncode() == [
// `ID` constant encoded as an unsigned byte as specified in the
// second field of PacketImpl
// `integer` field encoded as big endian as specified in the first
// field of PacketImpl
0, 0, 0, 12,
// `array` field's length encoded as unsigned varint, as specified
// in the third field of PacketImpl
// content of `array`, a sequence of 3 bytes
1, 2, 3,
// content of `le` encoded as little endian because the @LittleEndian
// attribute overrides the default endianness specified in PacketImpl
1, 0,