Microsoft Azure is used to create an virtual machine for development environment with Kong &including Cassandra.
# clone this repository
$ git clone
Change (at least) the following parameters in the azuredeploy.parameters.json :
- newStorageAccountName : azure storage account
- adminUsername : admin username used for the SSH Connection
- sshKeyData : ssh key data, you can follow this tutorial to generate your ssh key
- dnsNameForPublicIP : Public DNS Name of the Virtual Machine
Change the following parameter in the deploy.ps1 script :
- $subscriptionId : the id of your azure subscription
Then go to the script folder and execute the script
. .\deploy.ps1
To verify Kong is running successfully, execute the following command from the host machine:
$ curl http://<DNS>.<Location>
so with the default value :
$ curl
You should receive a JSON response:
"version": "0.5.0",
"lua_version": "LuaJIT 2.1.0-alpha",
"tagline": "Welcome to Kong",
"hostname": "MyAzureKongVM",
"plugins": {
"enabled_in_cluster": {},
"available_on_server": [