Just some HTML entities to help you build a HTML response like. I made that inspired on web2py HTML helper, you can manipulate the elements however you like and call .xml() to compile it to xml.
bower install koala-html --save
npm install
Then you have the grunt commands:
grunt dist
run both commands below in sequencegrunt build
compile coffee file to JSgrunt min
uglify generated .JS and create map file
Now available on jsDeliver
Now all tags inside 'K' domain so it won`t conflict with Q promise library for example
DIV().xml(); // => <div></div>
DIV(A()).xml(); // => <div><a></a></div>
Will become this:
K.DIV().xml(); // => <div></div>
K.DIV(K.A()).xml(); // => <div><a></a></div>
The rest is the same, all the functions and functionalities
DIV().xml(); // => <div></div>
DIV(A()).xml(); // => <div><a></a></div>
var el = DIV('H');
el.append(DIV('e')); // Insert a div inside el
el.append(DIV('ll')); // Insert another div in the end
el.div[2].append(DIV('0')); // Insert a div inside 'll'
Remove is the same all you must do is pass the index and how many elements you want to remove
el.remove(1); // Remove element at Index 1 [div('e')]
// To remove both would be el.remove(1,2)
For more details on how to use append and remove pay close attention to Splice js function
Remove is the same all you must do is pass the index and how many elements you want to remove
el.div.div.append([B('o'), B('r'), B('l') ,B('d')]);
There is a json file used to generate the code for the tags, it can be updated and generated at anytime Tags with / at the end, means self-close
- a
- abbr
- acronym
- address
- applet
- area/
- article
- aside
- audio
- b
- base/
- basefont
- bdi
- bdo
- bgsound
- big
- blink
- blockquote
- body
- br/
- button
- canvas
- caption
- center
- cite
- code
- col/
- colgroup
- content
- data
- datalist
- dd
- decorator
- del
- details
- dfn
- dir
- div
- dl
- dt
- element
- em
- embed/
- fieldset
- figcaption
- figure
- font
- footer
- form
- frame
- frameset
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- head
- header
- hgroup
- hr/
- html
- i
- iframe
- img/
- input/
- ins
- isindex
- kbd
- keygen/
- label
- legend
- li
- link/
- listing
- main
- map
- mark
- marquee
- menu
- menuitem
- meta/
- meter
- nav
- nobr
- noframes
- noscript
- object
- ol
- optgroup
- option
- output
- p
- param/
- plaintext
- pre
- progress
- q
- rp
- rt
- ruby
- s
- samp
- script
- section
- select
- shadow
- small
- source/
- spacer
- span
- strike
- strong
- style
- sub
- summary
- sup
- table
- tbody
- td
- template
- textarea
- tfoot
- th
- thead
- time
- title
- tr
- track/
- tt
- u
- ul
- var
- video
- wbr/
- xmp
If you want to change the tags, edit the tags.json file and use the generator script. Everything is inside tools/tag-generator
Also delete everything in the coffee file below the comment:
And run:
python generate.py
When creating list of elements they are mapped by the tagname so you can pick by the tagname[index] Let's pick the structure bellow:
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<img src="" width="30" alt="">
<div class="col">
<div class="col">
Imagine populating it whith JSON data received from somewhere, would be painfull without some classes and identifiers to pick the exact element, that's the why we mapped them
// Create
var structure =
DIV({class: 'row'},
DIV({class: 'col'},
IMG({src: '', width: 30, alt: ''})
DIV({class: 'col'},
DIV({class: 'col'},
// Edit
// First Column
// Second Column
// Third Column
Much easier isn't? I thougth so
- Change render form: from string nodes to DOM
Wife and coffee
Thanks for reading