This is an addon starter template with RequireJS for the Ionic Framework.
To use this, either create a new ionic project using the ionic node.js utility, or copy and paste this into an existing Cordova project.
With RequireJS you can simply split your projects js-files in as many parts you want.
- main.js --> RequireJS config
- app/boot.js --> manual bootstrap of the app
- app/app.js --> Definition of the app/module
- app/routes.js --> Definition of states
- app/config.js --> additional config-blocks (e.g. configure your ionic here)
- app/run.js --> run-blocks
But you can structure your app as you want --> no need to split everything in separated files.
Additionally you can use the packaging tool almond to build own releases (uglified, minified and packaged in one file).
For a simple way to use you can install grund-cli and use grunt-contrib-requirejs