- Change creds.json file replace with yours in creds.json
- You can download to the latest version of baileys by editing the package.json this section
In case of doubt, before installing BUMBLEBEE-BOT, test the bot here
BuildPack | LINK |
FFMPEG | click |
- Fork the main repository
- Do not change config.js information
- Click the linkhttps://replit.com/@khalidniccur200/BUMBLE-BEE-BOT-PAIR-1?s=app to get your pair code
- Download creds.json gotten from the pair code from replit
- Go to the folder 📂 BumbleSession and uninstall any creds.json that is not yours and replace it with youe downloaded creds.json and save
- Click Heroku deployment to deploy your bot on Heroku_
- For guidance contact owner wa.me/967730588759