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Project Title:

Gym Node Summer Project -

Project Description:

Image of TrainerDashboard

The project uses the glitch template 2 as a base, and also part of the node conversion of the play gym assignment to evolve and realise additional features.

The major additional features include class scheduling, assessment booking, target/goals and fitness programmes, with the inclusion of profile picture uploading.

How to start project:

To run the project locally, clone or download the project. Unzip the project, and browse to project root directory using a terminal. Enter the npm install command to install the project dependencies.

The project also requires the Cloudinary services in order to upload and delete profile picture. In order to run, you will need to place a Cloudinary credentials file in the .data folder called .env.json:


  "cloudinary": {
    "cloud_name": "YOURID",
    "api_key": "YOURKEY",
    "api_secret": "YOURSECRET"

Following the dependency installation, enter the npm start command which would host the project on http://localhost:4000/

User Instructions:

After hosting the project locally, users can signup or login using the preloaded accounts provided:

User Accounts:

email: [email protected]
password: secret

email: [email protected]
password: secret

Trainer accounts are also preloaded, which serves as admins that can perform most member CRUD actions and also additional separate CRUD actions such as class creation etc.

Trainer Account:

email: [email protected]
password: secret

email: [email protected]
password: secret

Alternative for the deployed version, you can visit

The above user and trainer accounts should also work for the deployed version, assuming none of the preloaded user/trainer accounts has been deleted.

Feature List:

  • Class Scheduling
    • Trainer
      • CRUD on scheduled classes
      • CRUD on each class session
      • Classes can be hidden from members
      • Class is added/updated only if the trainer adding the class is free at the dateTime
    • Member
      • View classes
      • Search for a class
      • Enroll/Un-enroll to specific class session or enroll to all sessions in a class
        • Enroll/Un-enroll is only from class sessions that are in the future
        • Past class sessions are shown as unavailable
  • Assessment Booking
    • Trainer & Member
      • CRUD on assessment bookings
      • Booking is only added/updated if trainer is free at the dateTime selected
  • Goals
    • Trainer
      • Set/Delete goals for members
    • Member
      • Set/Delete goals for themselves
      • Message prompt if have no open or goals awaiting processing
    • Goal status automatically set on each dashboard view
      • Awaiting Processing - no assessment been done in past 3 days and goal date is today
      • Open - no assessment been done in past 3 days and goal date is in the future
      • Missed - no assessment been done in past 3 days of goal date and date is due or failed to reach goal with the assessment found
      • Achieved - assessment found in the past 3 days and reached goal
  • Fitness Programme
    • Trainer
      • Comprised of 5 exercise sessions selected from list of classes, predefined workout routines or made a new/custom routine
      • CRUD on Fitness Programme
      • CRUD on predefined workout routines
      • CRUD on individual exercise sessions
    • Member
      • View Fitness Programme and individual exercise sessions
  • Miscellaneous
    • Form validation - Members can't signup/book assessment etc. without filling all information required
    • Email validation for signup/update email
      • Checks whether the email (toLowerCase) is already used by another member/trainer
      • Shows success/unsuccessful messages in login, signup and update settings
    • Profile picture uploading
      • Allows member/trainer to upload, delete, update profile picture from a cloudinary account
      • Options are disabled if cloudinary file if not found
    • Trainer
      • Delete member - deletes all member related information from json databases and cloudinary store
      • Search member to view member dashboard
    • Assessment bookings and goals are sorted by date (most recent to oldest or vice versa)
    • Date/time selection is limited to only in the future from today


  • There is no sign up available for a Trainer. Trainers must be preloaded from the trainer-store.json

Further Improvements:

  • Unit testing - no unit testing was done. Functionality was only tested manually
  • Should look into REST architecture
  • Secure routes/url - Trainer views are not allowed unless it's a trainer account, but member access such as to view classes are allowed from just knowing the paths/routes
  • List enrolled class sessions for members.
  • Error/Success message is currently achieved by rendering a page with additional message data. Adding/updating booking do not display a message as they can be done it multiple views. Should really use a library such as connect-flash to achieve the flash message.
  • Enroll/Un-enroll all sessions buttons should only be displayed if there's available class sessions or only display future sessions for members
  • Link each booking to an assessment and set status to automatically completed after making an assessment
  • Allow member/trainer to have option to list goals etc. by date most recent or oldest

List of Software + Technologies Used


Kevin Fan (KevFan)


1st September 2017