984 commits
to master
since this release
📦 Uncategorized
- DomainAnalyser tweaks
- PR: #906
- SharePoint Admin URL Fix
- PR: #903
- Updated Invoke-AddSpamFilter.ps1. Made priority configurable
- PR: #905
- Change exits to returns and allow reporting when invalid state is set in standards
- PR: #902
- Fix tenant info in scheduled tasks to email/psa
- PR: #909
- Added Risk Detections Report and List Risky Users
- PR: #907
- Audit logging & bug fixes
- PR: #910
- Update version_latest.txt
- PR: #914
- Fix quota alerttrace issue
- PR: #920
- Gimme my risk roles back
- PR: #921
- Defender Policy Logging Output
- PR: #918
- New UserReportDestinationEmail standard
- PR: #924
- Add Litigation Hold Standard
- PR: #919
- Moved to Set-CIPPForwarding Function
- PR: #923
- Updated Anti-Phishing Policy Standards for more granular configuration
- PR: #913
- Optimizations
- PR: #926
- Add OneDrive Pre-Provision
- PR: #927
- Extensions and Bugfixes
- PR: #929
- Added Soft Deleted Mailboxes Scripted Alert, Added SetAuth Function to be used on Auth Methods page
- PR: #928
- Add standards documentation based on JSON
- PR: #930
- Standardize Extension Output and Mappings
- PR: #936
- Update JIT Admin task name to include expire action
- PR: #935
- Update Invoke-CIPPStandardEnableLitigationHold.ps1
- PR: #934
- Adding self-service license management Standard
- PR: #933
- Edit group changes
- PR: #932
- Sharepoint functions and misc tweaks
- PR: #939
- Extension data sync
- PR: #940
- Adding calendar invite removal to offboarding wizard
- PR: #941
- Hudu Extension
- PR: #945
- Extension Sync tweaks
- PR: #946
- Hudu sync
- PR: #948
- Add task registration to mapping save
- PR: #949
- Fix hudu CIPP url
- PR: #950
- Link formatting
- PR: #951
- Reduce Hudu API calls
- PR: #952
- Update Invoke-ExecExtensionSync.ps1
- PR: #953
- Added SPO Standards
- PR: #942
- Added EditorConfig extension recommendation
- PR: #944
- Update Update-StandardsComments.ps1
- PR: #947
- Extension sync - add mailbox permission/usage/cas
- PR: #954
- Remove license asset field map
- PR: #955
- Add logging
- PR: #956
- Update Invoke-ExecExtensionsConfig.ps1
- PR: #957
- Update Invoke-ExecExtensionsConfig.ps1
- PR: #958
- Update Invoke-ExecExtensionsConfig.ps1
- PR: #959
- Update Invoke-HuduExtensionSync.ps1
- PR: #960
- Fix domain extension query
- PR: #961
- Fix CIPP links
- PR: #962
- Fix onedrive data
- PR: #963
- prettification
- PR: #965
- Improve DeletedUserRentention standard
- PR: #964
- Hudu Improvements
- PR: #969
- Hudu Fixes
- PR: #970
- Extension / Scripted Alert fixes
- PR: #971
- Extensions
- PR: #973
- Convert reverse tenant lookup to bulk request
- PR: #975
- Update Invoke-ExecExtensionsConfig.ps1
- PR: #977
- extensions... again
- PR: #979
- Dev
- PR: #981
- Dev to hotfix
- PR: #983
- Fix TAP not being generated and add schema at creation
- PR: #982
- Fix standard input validation
- PR: #980
- Standard comments and clear immutable ID bugfix
- PR: #972
- Dev to special ben hotfix
- PR: #984
- Change to use Get-CippException for error logging
- PR: #974
- Compliance API support
- PR: #987
- Added SPDisableLegacyWorkflows standard
- PR: #990
- Update Update-StandardsComments.ps1
- PR: #989
- Added QuarantineRequestAlert standard
- PR: #988
- Added SpamFilterPolicy standard
- PR: #986
- Add warnings for enable/disable and password reset on AD synced users
- PR: #985
- Dev to hotfix
- PR: #992
- Added Ability to edit a contact
- PR: #993
- Add start managed folder assistant single and bulk actions
- PR: #999
- Consolidated User Submission Policy related standards. Fixed bug
- PR: #998
- Change title based on if the rule forwards or redirects
- PR: #997
- Add room and convert to room and more
- PR: #996
- Escape characters in standard comments
- PR: #995
- Added dismiss risky user
- PR: #1000
- Update-licenses
- PR: #1002
- Dev to release
- PR: #1003
- Include affected tenant in logs
- PR: #1004
- Hudu Sync fixes
- PR: #1008
- Update PassPushPosh
- PR: #1009
- Bugfixes and improvements
- PR: #1012
- Fix webhook subscription loop
- PR: #1014
- API fixes
- PR: #1015
- Update Invoke-ExecRemoveTenant.ps1
- PR: #1016
- CPV tweaks
- PR: #1018
- Fix audit log subscription logic
- PR: #1019
- Added forgotten -Tenant param in logs
- PR: #1005
- Fix settings check
- PR: #1006
- Update DA to include MSCNAMEDKIMSelectors
- PR: #1010
- New standard for disabling SP sync button
- PR: #1011
- Added Report for Defender Policys
- PR: #1013
- Show/remove hidden mailbox rules too
- PR: #1017
- Log subscriptions
- PR: #1023
- Added Optional Malware FileTypes
- PR: #1020
- Add templates for blocking read receipts
- PR: #1021
- Add DisableAutoForwarding standard and add forwarding properties to ListMailboxes
- PR: #1022
- Fixed InTune Policy Assignment
- PR: #1024
- Teams module & bugfixes
- PR: #1025
- Added Teams Global Meeting Policy standard
- PR: #1029
- Added Teams External File Sharing Standard
- PR: #1028
- Add DKIM selectors for onmicrosoft.com domains
- PR: #1027
- Fix GDAP invite via API
- PR: #1031
- Bugfixes and improvements
- PR: #1033
- Audit log collection in table
- PR: #1036
- PermissionUpdate Changes
- PR: #1037
- GDAP invite list fix
- PR: #1038
- Add ListAuditLogs endpoint
- PR: #1039
- Added Teams External Access Policy Standard
- PR: #1035
- Added Teams Email Integration standard
- PR: #1034
- Updated Spam Filter Standard
- PR: #1032
- Added Teams Federation Configuration Standard
- PR: #1030
- API Features and Bugfixes
- PR: #1040
- Fix API response for SAM roles
- PR: #1041
- Audit log tweaks
- PR: #1042
- Bugfixes
- PR: #1043
- Clean up duplicate webhook entries
- PR: #1044
- Dev to release
- PR: #1045
- MFA Bugfixes
- PR: #1047
- Hudu object casing and field matching
- PR: #1048
- Bugfixes
- PR: #1050
- Dev to hotfix
- PR: #1051
- Auto forward explicitly off and DeletedUserRentention standard change based on MC836942
- PR: #1049
- Update logged information
- PR: #1046
- Bugfixes
- PR: #1052
- Up version
- PR: #1054
- Fixed typos in standards
- PR: #1053
- Dev to hotfix
- PR: #1055
- Function offloading
- PR: #1058
- Fix audit log duplicate detection
- PR: #1062
- Up version
- PR: #1063
- Dev to hotfix
- PR: #1064
- CIPP-SAM permissions and fixes
- PR: #1065
- CA Policy improvments
- PR: #1066
- CIPP-SAM - Permission builder/CPV
- PR: #1067
- Hudu sync - Fix BEC link
- PR: #1068
- Improve hudu sync and add scripted alert for huntress rogue apps
- PR: #1070
- Enforce Registration After Allowed Snoozes
- PR: #1069
- RogueApps tweaks
- PR: #1071
- Fix for scheduled time in the past
- PR: #1073
- Add Set-CIPPAlwaysShowFrom function
- PR: #1074
- Assign & Unassign Teams Voice User Numbers
- PR: #1072
- Fix reset MFA
- PR: #1075
- Fix SP BPA Report Display
- PR: #1076
- Dev to release
- PR: #1077
- Fix tenant name in scheduled tasks
- PR: #1078
- fix logging
- PR: #1079
- Fix MFA Nudge Standard
- PR: #1084
- update character encoding to improve JWT handling
- PR: #1085
- Dev
- PR: #1087
- Added Anti-Phishing and Anti-Spam policies to backup
- PR: #1088
- Case sensitivity for Linux/pwsh 7
- PR: #1080
- Bugfixes and improvements
- PR: #1090
- More case sensitivity stuff
- PR: #1089
- Fix ListTeamsVoice Paging Issue
- PR: #1083
- Ability to delete mailboxrules
- PR: #1091
- BEC & Quarantined messages
- PR: #1092
- Fix bug with template standards
- PR: #1093
- CIPPBackup fix
- PR: #1096
- BEC tweaks and bugfixes
- PR: #1097
- Bugfixes & code cleanup
- PR: #1098
- Generic Exo Request
- PR: #1099
- ListExoRequest and ExoBulk changes
- PR: #1100
- Update MSP Apps
- PR: #1095
- Dev
- PR: #1102
- Return backup data to http function
- PR: #1108
- Add license update script and update license SKUs
- PR: #1107
- CIPP Timers and Offloaded Functions
- PR: #1111
- Fix CIPPTimer
- PR: #1113
- Bugfixes
- PR: #1114
- Dev
- PR: #1115
- Use Join-Path instead of $PSScriptRoot\Path
- PR: #1116
- Fix MS CNAME DKIM breaking DA and fix default domain duplication for deleted tenants
- PR: #1112
- error handling, some typos
- PR: #1110
- multi function node support
- PR: #1118
- Cleanup and bugfixes
- PR: #1121
- Fix alerts list
- PR: #1122
- Fix user mailbox offboarding
- PR: #1123
- offboarding tweaks
- PR: #1124
- offboarding tweaks
- PR: #1125
- offboarding tweaks
- PR: #1126
- Bugfixes & new audit log search function
- PR: #1128
- Added tenant to JIT Logbook entry
- PR: #1129
- Audit logs
- PR: #1130
- Update Test-CIPPAuditLogRules.ps1
- PR: #1131
- Audit logs
- PR: #1132
- Bugfixes and Audit Logs functions
- PR: #1133
- AsApp support
- PR: #1134
- fix: SPDirectSharing CurrentState match
- PR: #1120
- Disable guest user use lastSuccessfulSignInDateTime
- PR: #1119
- Fix hidden Out of Office rule
- PR: #1127
- Improvements to MEMListPolicies
- PR: #1082
- Ticket bugfixes
- PR: #1136
- Update Invoke-CIPPStandardDisableUserSiteCreate.ps1
- PR: #1137
- fix: Teams Global Meeting Policy StateIsCorrect
- PR: #1135
- Bugfixes
- PR: #1141
- Bugfixes
- PR: #1142
- Fix LAPS & error msgs
- PR: #1146
- Bugfixes
- PR: #1147
- Bugfixes
- PR: #1148
- Audit log bugfixes
- PR: #1149
- up version
- PR: #1150
- ninja edit
- PR: #1152
- fix: InTune Compliance Policy deployment
- PR: #1139
- bugfixes
- PR: #1155
- bugfixes
- PR: #1158
- Fix inactive accounts report
- PR: #1196
- Remove erroneous /deviceId from Ninja field
- PR: #1200
- Added Connection Filter Functions
- PR: #1201