Butcher is a library providing a simple way to execute some task concurrency. Integrates convenient features such as concurrency control and retry.
package main
import (
type executor struct{}
func (e *executor) GenerateJob(ctx context.Context, jobCh chan<- int) error {
// generate your jobs here
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
// you can check canceled context or not, is up to you
select {
case <- ctx.Done():
return nil
// push your job into channel
jobCh <- i
// you may NOT close jobCh manually
return nil
func (e *executor) Task(ctx context.Context, job int) error {
// execute your job here
fmt.Printf("job %v finished!\n", job)
return nil
// OnFinish implement an optional func to check your job is finished if you want
func (e *executor) OnFinish(ctx context.Context, job int, err error) {
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("job %v error: %v", job, err)
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
b, err := butcher.NewButcher[int](&executor{}) // you can add some options here
if err != nil {
err = b.Run(ctx)
if err != nil {