- Visit this website
- Enter your Github username, choose a card and click generate
- And boom! Your stats card is ready to be shown in your README
Copy the following code and replace the username (kasroudra) with your one and then paste it in your profile's README.md
Themes are available in all cards
Use query parameter &theme=<themename>
to use your desired theme
Available themes:
- dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, gruvbox_light, tokyonight, onedark, cobalt, synthwave, highcontrast, dracula, prussian, monokai, vue, vue-dark, shades-of-purple, nightowl, buefy, blue-green, algolia, great-gatsby, darcula, bear, solarized-dark, solarized-light, chartreuse-dark, nord, gotham, material-palenight, graywhite, vision-friendly-dark, ayu-mirage, midnight-purple, calm, flag-india, omni, react, jolly, maroongold, yeblu, blueberry, slateorange, kacho_ga, outrun, ocean_dark, city_lights, github_dark, discord_old_blurple, aura_dark, panda, noctis_minimus, cobalt2, swift, aura, apprentice, moltack, codeSTACKr, rose_pine
Parameter | Description | Default value | Other values | Example |
color | Color of the card | 434d58 | <hex-value> | &color=red |
bgcolor | Background color of the card | fffefe | <hex-value> | &bgcolor=red |
hcolor | Color of the header | 2f80ed | <hex-value> | &hcolor=red |
bdcolor | Border Color of the card | #e6e6e6 | <hex-value> | &bdcolor=yellow |
bdwidth | Border Width of the card | 1 | <number> | &bdwidth=3 |
bggrad | Background gradient of the card | None | <hex-value(s)> | &bggrad=to%20right,red,yellow |
layout | Layout of the card | default | default, compact | &layout=compact |
width | Width of the card | 400 | <number> | &width=500 |
height | Height of the card | 300 | <number> | &height=400 |
scale | Area of card | 1 | <number> | &scale=0.5 |
Parameter | Description | Default value | Other values | Example |
type | Type of the card | default | donut, piechart | &type=piechart |
sort | Sort of the card | default | asc, desc | &sort=desc |
minimum | Minimum Language percentage | 0.2 | <number> | &minimum=0.5 |
max_lang | Maximum Language count | None | <number> | &max_lang=10 |
exclude_lang | Exclude Language(s) | None | <languageName(s)> | &exclude_lang=CSS |
exclude_repo | Exclude Repository | None | <repoName(s)> | &exclude_repo=pyphisher |
Parameter | Description | Default value | Other values | Example |
include_username | Including username in reponame | false | true | &include_username=true |
hide_lang | Exclude Language(s) | None | <languageName(s)> | &hide_lang=CSS |
hide_stat | Exclude a statistics | None | stargazers, forks, watchers, changes, commits | &hide_stat=stargazers |
hide_zero | Hide zero values | false | true | &hide_zero=true |
show_stat | Show a statistics even with hide_zero true | None | stargazers, forks, watchers, changes, commits | &show_stat=stargazers |
git clone https://github.com/KasRoudra/github-stats-card
cd github-stats-card
npm i
npm start
Document icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Themes are colloected from an awesome open source project by Anurag Hazra
SVG is colloected from another fantastic open source project by jstrieb