ptest is a light test framework for Python. With ptest, you can tag test classes & test cases by decorators, execute test cases by command line, and get clear reports.
Find the latest version on github: or PyPI:
The documentation is on github wiki:
The last stable release is available on PyPI and can be installed with
$ pip install ptest
A Pycharm plugin for ptest is released. Now it is easily to run/debug ptest within the IDE using the standard run configuration. Find the latest version on JetBrains:
Firstly, create a python file: c:\folder\
You can tag test class, test, before method, after method by adding decorator @TestClass, @Test, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod.
# c:\folder\
from ptest.decorator import TestClass, Test, BeforeMethod, AfterMethod
from ptest.assertion import assert_equals, fail, assert_not_none
from ptest.plogger import preporter
from ptest import config
@TestClass(run_mode="parallel") # the test cases in this class will be executed by multiple threads
class PTestClass:
@BeforeMethod(description="Prepare test data.")
def before(self):"setting expected result.")
self.expected = 10
@Test(tags=["regression", "smoke"])
def test1(self):
assert_equals(10, self.expected) # pass
@Test(tags="smoke, nightly")
def test2(self):
assert_not_none(config.get_property("key")) # assert the property defined via -D<key>=<value> in cmd line
@Test(enabled=False) # won't be run
def test3(self):
@AfterMethod(always_run=True, description="Clean up")
def after(self):"cleaning up")
Then start to execute all the testcases in module with 2
threads. Use -w
to specify the workspace, -t
to specify the target
and -n
to specify the number of test executors(threads). In this case,
workspace is c:\folder, target is mytest and number of test
executors is 2.
Note: If you are using Windows, please confirm that %python_installation_dir%\Scripts (e.g., C:\Python35\Scripts, C:\Python37\Scripts) is added to the PATH environment variable.
$ ptest -w c:\folder -t mytest -n 2
The target can be package/module/class/method. If the target is package/module/class, all the test cases under target will be executed. For example, if you only want to execute the test test1 in this module.
$ ptest -w c:\folder -t mytest.PTestClass.test1
For more options, please use -h
$ ptest -h
For more code examples, please refer to the examples
folder in source
distribution or visit
For information and suggestions you can contact me at [email protected]