forked from https://github.com/lesterlo/cloud_annotation_tool which was forked from https://github.com/yzrobot/cloud_annotation_tool
modified the annotation process so that you can do point-by-point annotation (no clustering done in advance, you just get a brush to "paint" points)
i had to modify the tool to use QVTKOpenGLWidget instead of QVTKWidget (because otherwise point picking does not work reliably)
Because this project needs VTK8 and pcl master (1.8.1 is NOT new enough), it can be a hassle to set up. The easiest way to set up the project is building a snap:
- cd snap
- snapcraft
- snap install --devmode *.snap
- cloud-annotator-tool
Alternatively, if you want to make changes and you don't have a nvidia card, running in docker might also be suitable:
- build the docker image:
docker build -t vtk8_pclmaster docker/
- then disable xhost auth
xhost +
(or use x11-docker) - then run a container:
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix vtk8_pclmaster /bin/bash
- inside the container, go back to the folder where you checked out the source and do
cd cloud_annotator_tool; mkdir build; cd build; cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..; make -j3
- now you can start the cloud annotator tool
sometimes after panning/zooming/flying the cloud "looses" a number of points. looks like a VTK bug. Save your data and reopen the app, no data is lost.
clipping settings do not work properly yet
vtk8 glsl issue, use MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.2 to work around (see below)
if you get the following error: vtkShaderProgram (0x556d0534a670): 0:1(10): error: GLSL 1.50 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, 1.00 ES, 3.00 ES, 3.10 ES, and 3.20 ES
then run the tool as follows: MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.2 ./cloud_annotation_tool
- open a point cloud
- create a new segment by filling in object id and object class and clicking add
- click on the pointcloud and zoom it to the right place (use the "f" key to fly to a point)
- to add points to the cluster, move your mouse while holding the "p" key. to remove points from the cluster, move your mouse by holding the "e" key
- the GUI saves a json file every time you switch to another cluster (so switch to another cluster before quitting). the json file is also load back when you open the pcd file
- Qt 5.3:
sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake
- VTK 8.1: please compile from master
- PCL MASTER branch: From Source git master branch of pcl