Distributed Systems
Assignment 2
Kanav Gupta
Compile FileServer.java in the required directory
javac FileServer.java
running server
java FileServer
Compile Client.java in the required directory
javac Client.java
start Client
java Client
create_user <username>
Creates User and log it in. (Note: this should be the first command after running client) -
upload <filename/filepath>
Upload the file present on provided path to the server using TCP -
upload_udp <filename/filepath>
Upload the file present on provided path to the server using TCP -
create_folder <foldername>
Upload the file present on provided path to the server using UDP -
move_file <source_path> <dest_path>
Move file from source path to destination path -
create_group <groupname>
Creates new group with given group name -
List all present groups -
join_group <groupname>
User joins the group -
leave_group <groupname>
User leaves the group -
list_detail <groupname>
Gives details of all users who are member of group and the files they uploaded -
share_msg <groupname> <text>
Shares text with all members of the group -
share_msg_to_all <text>
Shares text with all the groups user is part of -
get_file <groupname/username/file_path>
Download files of other user if they share any of the group
Note: All major error cases have been handled carefully.