KRPerceptron implemented non-linear and linear algorithm in perceptron model of machine learning.
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod "KRPerceptron", "~> 1.0.1"
#import "KRPerceptron.h"
KRPerceptron *_perceptron = [KRPerceptron sharedPerceptron];
_perceptron.activeFunction = KRPerceptronActiveFunctionBySigmoid;
_perceptron.maxIteration = 1000;
_perceptron.learningRate = 0.8f;
_perceptron.runOnMainThread = YES;
// Number 1
[_perceptron addPatterns:@[@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0,
@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0,
@0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1]
outputs:@[@1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0]];
// Number 2
[_perceptron addPatterns:@[@1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @0, @0,
@0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0,
@0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1]
outputs:@[@0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0]];
// Number 3
[_perceptron addPatterns:@[@1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @0, @0,
@0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0,
@0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1]
outputs:@[@0, @0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0]];
// Number 4
[_perceptron addPatterns:@[@1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0,
@0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0,
@0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1]
outputs:@[@0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0]];
// Number 5
[_perceptron addPatterns:@[@1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @0, @0,
@0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0,
@0, @0, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1]
outputs:@[@0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0]];
// Number 6
[_perceptron addPatterns:@[@1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @0, @0,
@0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0,
@0, @0, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1]
outputs:@[@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0]];
// Number 7
[_perceptron addPatterns:@[@1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0,
@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0,
@0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1]
outputs:@[@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0, @0]];
// Number 8
[_perceptron addPatterns:@[@1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @0, @0,
@0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0,
@0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1]
outputs:@[@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0]];
// Number 9
[_perceptron addPatterns:@[@1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0,
@0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0,
@0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1]
outputs:@[@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0]];
// Number 0
[_perceptron addPatterns:@[@1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @0, @0,
@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0,
@0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1]
outputs:@[@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1]];
// Random settings
[_perceptron randomWeightsAndBiases];
__block typeof(_perceptron) _weakPerceptron = _perceptron;
[_perceptron setTrainingIteraion:^(NSInteger iteration, NSArray *weights) {
NSLog(@"%li iteration, weights : %@", iteration, weights);
[_perceptron trainingWithCompletion:^(BOOL success, NSArray *weights, NSInteger totalIteration) {
if( success )
NSLog(@"total Iteration : %li", totalIteration);
NSLog(@"Trained weights : %@", weights);
// Verified number " 7 " which has some defects.
NSArray *_verifyPatterns = @[@1, @1, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0,
@0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0, @1, @0, @0, @0, @0, @0,
@0, @0, @0, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1, @1];
[_weakPerceptron directOutputAtPatterns:_verifyPatterns
completion:^(NSInteger iteration, NSArray *networkOutputs, NSArray *inputs) {
NSLog(@"Verified networkOutputs : %@", networkOutputs);