WSL - Ubuntu 22.04
MySQL 8.0.37
C++ 11
1. Establish a MySQL database and table and modify the `code/main.cpp` file to connect to the database.
2. Run `make` to compile the project.
3. Run `./build/server` to start the server, and the server will listen on port 1316.
4. Use `webbench` to test the server.
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── build
├── code
│ ├── Buffer
│ ├── Epoller
│ ├── HeapTimer
│ ├── HttpConn
│ ├── HttpRequest
│ ├── HttpResponse
│ ├── Log
│ ├── SQL
│ ├── Server
│ ├── ThreadPool
│ └── main.cpp
├── log
├── resources
├── test
└── webbench-1.5