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Roborobo v.4 - super fast multi-robot simulator for evolutionary swarm robotics and multi-agent learning. Combines ease-of-use (python interface) with speed (C++ core engine).

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Roborobo is a fast and simple 2D mobile robot simulator loosely based on low-cost mobile robots such as khepera or epuck models. It is targeted for fast single and multi-robots simulation for evolutionary robotics and machine learning in multi-agent systems, collective and swarm robotics .

Roborobo combines speed of development and speed of execution. Roborobo can be programmed with python 3.x, with all the core functions written in C++ for super fast execution.


Roborobo version 4 is currently the only supported version. Current official release is (from: roborobo.cpp):

  • gVersion = 20210321
  • gCurrentBuildInfo = Shangri-La build


Main contributors

  • Nicolas Bredeche: main roborobo developper and project initiator (since 2009)


  • contact: nicolas.bredeche(at)

  • Paul Ecoffet: pyRoborobo, the python interface to Roborobo (2020-2021)

  • Evert Haasdijk: properties management library (2010-2012)

Other contributors

  • Jean-Marc Montanier, Berend Weel, Amine Boumaza, Andreas Steyven, Leo Cazenille, Theotime Grohens, and a few others!

How to cite Roborobo in your work

If you use Roborobo in your work, please cite the following paper:

N. Bredeche, J.-M. Montanier, B. Weel, and E. Haasdijk. Roborobo! a fast robot simulator for swarm and collective robotics. CoRR, abs/1304.2888, 2013.

Link to the paper on Arxiv:

Scientific papers that cite Roborobo:


Roborobo basic dependencies are:

  • a C++ compiler (GCC or CLANG)
  • Python 3.x

Supported platforms:

  • Linux-based
  • MacOS X

Linux and MacOS installation instructions are described below. Other platforms are not officially supported, but Roborobo was previously shown to run on: MS Windows, Raspbian and Pandora.

Remark: if you get a lot of warnings during compilation, this is probably due to already installed pip packages shadowing the newly installed conda packages (e.g. with pybind). Work around for pyBind that may work: conda install -c conda-forge "pybind11>2.6". However the best way is to delete the pip packages and make a clean install of roborobo again_


Create a conda environment:

conda create --name roborobo numpy pybind11 
conda activate roborobo

Install Python dependencies for Roborobo (numpy, pybind11, sphinx, ...)

conda install numpy setuptools
conda install -c conda-forge pybind11
conda install sphinx recommonmark sphinx_rtd_theme numpydoc

# or if you prefer to use pip instead of Conda: 
# pip install -U pybind11
# pip install -U numpy
# pip install -U sphinx

Install C++ dependencies for Roborobo (Cmake, SDL2, boost and eigen):

sudo apt install git build-essential cmake 
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libboost-dev libeigen3-dev

Get your local copy of Roborobo:

git clone

Compile and install Roborobo:

# conda activate roborobo (if not already activated)
cd roborobo4
python install --force

Check the QUICK START section below for running a Roborobo example.

Mac OS

Create a conda environment:

conda create --name roborobo numpy pybind11 
conda activate roborobo

Install Python dependencies for Roborobo (numpy, pybind11, sphinx, ...)

conda install numpy setuptools
conda install -c conda-forge pybind11
conda install sphinx recommonmark sphinx_rtd_theme numpydoc

# or if you prefer to use pip instead of Conda: 
# pip install -U pybind11
# pip install -U numpy
# pip install -U sphinx

Install C++ dependencies for Roborobo (Cmake, SDL2, boost and eigen):

brew install cmake 
brew install sdl2
brew install sdl2_image
brew install boost
brew install eigen

Get your local copy of Roborobo:

git clone

Compile and install Roborobo:

# conda activate roborobo (if not already activated)
cd roborobo4
python install --force

Check the QUICK START section below for running a Roborobo example.


It is highly suggested to use the python interface to Roborobo, which we refer to as pyRoborobo. If you prefer to develop your project in C++, it also possible (check below). pyRoborobo is built as an interface to Roborobo, and though there is of course a cost to use Python instead of pure C++, we empirically consider it worth the ease of development in the context of academic research. For example, the Boids example runs at ~400 fps (pure C++) and ~200 fps (pyRoborobo) on a Macbook pro 13 (early 2019 model).

Roborobo (C++) and pyRoborobo (Python) both uses three important directories, that should be accessible from where your code (C++ binary or python script) is run.

  • data contains image and resources for setting a roborobo environment
  • config contains configuration files for running a roborobo environment
  • logs will contain log files generated during a roborobo run

While running an example, type "h" when the focus is on the Roborobo window. Help tips will be displayed in the console.

Running a Python example

Activate conda environment (if not done already):

conda activate roborobo

Compile and install Roborobo (if not done already):

cd <your_roborobo_folder>
# python clean --all -- only if want to rebuild all from scratch
python install --force 

Run a pyRoborobo example:

cd <your_roborobo_folder>/pyRoborobo_dev/examples/

Many other examples are available in the pyRoborobo_dev/examples folder.

Build the pyRoborobo API documentation

Build Roborobo's python API documentation:

# conda activate roborobo (if not already activated)
python build_sphinx

The pyRoborobo API documentation is now in build/sphinx/html/index.html

Running a C++ example

If you installed Roborobo for the first time, setup the directory structure for running Roborobo:

Setup the directory structure for both C++ and Python development (done only once):

# Roborobo C++ code
cd <your_roborobo_folder>/build
ln -s ../data
ln -s ../config
ln -s ../logs

Activate conda environment (if not done already):

conda activate roborobo

Compile and install Roborobo (to be done everytime you modify the C++ code:

cd <your_roborobo_folder>
# python clean --all -- only if want to rebuild all from scratch
python install --force 

Run a roborobo example:

cd <your_roborobo_folder>/build
./roborobo -l config/

Roborobo (C++) examples can be found in the <your_roborobo_folder>/prj directory. Note that project selection is achieved from the configuration file (config/

What next?

  • Check _OVERVIEW.TXT for a quick introduction.
  • Check _FAQ.TXT for trouble shooting and frequently asked questions.
  • Check the examples, and learn by doing.

Thank you for using Roborobo!


Roborobo v.4 - super fast multi-robot simulator for evolutionary swarm robotics and multi-agent learning. Combines ease-of-use (python interface) with speed (C++ core engine).






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  • Jupyter Notebook 66.9%
  • C++ 29.1%
  • Python 3.4%
  • CMake 0.3%
  • C 0.3%
  • Objective-C 0.0%