Study of the coverage area problem within a robotic swarm.
System :
- Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
- Python 3.9.13
- kilolib and kilombo provided to avoid compatibility issues
To run a simulation on kilombo :
install the kilombo simulator :
git clone
cd kilombo ; mkdir build ; cd build
cmake ..
make -j 10
make install -
from dispersion folder, RUN ./mk_simulation EXECUTABLEFILENAME.c
To build a file.hex to upload on kilobots :
- from dispersion folder, modify the mk_kilobots file at line "export KILOHEADERS=" : replace its value by the path to the official kilolib on your computer.
- from dispersion folder, RUN ./mk_kilobots EXECUTABLEFILENAME.c
- find the EXECUTABLEFILENAME.c.hex in the dispersion/build folder.
To run a Kilombo simulation analysis :
- run a simulation on Kilombo
- Check/set parameters and RUN dispersion_kilobots/simulationAnalysis/ for not limited Voronoi regions or dispersion_kilobots/simulationAnalysis/ for limited Voronoi regions
- find results and plot in dispersion_kilobots/simulationAnalysis/results
To run a video analysis :
This video analysis only works with the ISIR laboratory settings with the camera fully zoomed out.
- put the videos you want to analyze in the path ./data/videos/[date_exp] (date_exp is the date when the videos were shot and is in the format YYYY-MM-DD)
- all video names must end with the type of arena ("disk" or "ring")
- change the variable nb_k by the number of kilobots in the videos of the experiments (the code assumes that it is the same number in all the videos)
- now, you can run the python file
The different files obtained after analysis of the videos :
- the frames of the video will be put in the folder ./data/frames/[date_exp]/[name_video]
- the processed images will be put in the folder ./data/images/[name_video]
- the be folder is for images with black edge detection,
- kb is for kilobots detection,
- rs is for images where shadows have been removed (this function exists, but is not used to do the analysis),
- and the image that is not in a folder is the one for the arena detection
- the robots' positions are saved in a text file in ./data/txt/[name_exp]/name_video.txt
- the first line is: number of kilobots, x,y coordinates of the arena, its radius (if it is a ring, there will be the coordinates and the radius of the lower and upper disk, if not, the coordinates and the radius of the upper disk are -1)
- the other lines are: the frame number and the coordinates of a kilobot
- all coordinates are relative to the frame and not to the center of the arena
- the positions of the kilobots in relation to the center of the arena is put in a json file ./data/json/[name_exp]/name_video.json to then do the analysis
Here are all the libraries used: time, cv2, os, math, shutil, json