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What is Shoppingify and why?

In the last year, there were a lot of conversations about inflation. For instance, prices for food increased by 8.9%.

That's why Shoppingify was built which simply allows me to know how the price fluctuates for different products I buy, how often I buy a certain product, how much I spend each month, etc.

How it works?

The main idea of the Shoppingify app is to allow users quickly upload the receipt image and after it will be scanned, save it and have access to statistics & interesting insights.

More details on how it works can be viewed here

Tech stack

The app consists of 3 main parts:

  • Frontend

    • Next.js 13 (app directory feature)
    • Chakra UI
    • TypeScript
    • GraphQL.
  • Backend

    • Python (Fast API)
    • veryfi
    • boto (AWS SDK)
  • PostGraphile

    • PostGraphile (formerly PostGraphQL) builds a powerful, extensible and performant GraphQL API from a PostgreSQL schema in seconds; saving you weeks if not months of development time.
      More on that here

More on frontend

Everything was built around the Next.js 13 framework with its app experimental directory, server components as a default type and other great features (layouts, improved links, etc.)

  • Server components were used for some pages to fetch data from the database and reduce the amount of JavaScript sent to the client.
  • Layout feature was used to share UI between pages and avoid expensive re-renders
  • Next.js middleware was used to check whether a user is logged in or not

Chakra UI was used as a main CSS library that has many prebuild components (Flex, Stack, Input, Button, Accordion, Alert, etc.) and easy-to-use styled system.

For authorization & authentication purposes, AWS Cognito was used - specifically amazon-cognito-identity-js library. Currently, it allows users to register an account with email, confirm it, log in, reset the password & log out. In the future, email modification & other attributes modification will be implemented.

There are a lot of forms on the app and to handle them, 2 libraries came in handy - Formik and react-hook-form

Formik was used for all authentication & authorization-related forms that are pretty simple and consist of 2-6 input fields.

To handle more complex forms that consist of 20+ fields react-hook-form was used instead as Formik was working much slower when handling so many fields.

Schema validation was implemented using Yup library

Chart.js helped to build simple and the same time highly customizable charts (currently only bar & pie charts are used). As super complex charts were not required for this app, Chart.js was chosen over D3

To retrieve the data from the database, an extended fetch feature was used (that is built on top of React's extended version of it) & GraphQL queries as I used PostGraphile which generated GraphQL API from a Postgres database.

For storing receipt images & all the receipts & product information, AWS S3 and AWS RDS were used accordingly. To interact with S3 Client, this library was used -


  1. Next.js app was deployed on Vercel
  2. Heroku is used to run the Fast API server
  3. The PostGraphile image is stored on Docker hub (
  4. The Google Cloud Run is used to run the container that start PostGraphile (

The following credentials can be used to test the app
Username: [email protected]
Password: testPassword66==


Personal project to keep track of groceries inflation






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