This repository contains implementation of the Lab 1 Project of COMPSCI 677 course at UMass Amherst.
Contributors -
Abhishek Lalwani ([email protected])
Himanshu Gupta ([email protected])
Kunal Chakrabarty ([email protected])
Please find the instructions below for testing the implementation.
Local machine (Windows),
Ec2 servers (Linux)
Python module dependencies that we used:
os, subprocess, time, sys, re, pexpect, pexpect.popen_spawn, argparse
- src/ This is a interface file that defines the public function of peer object.
- src/ This is a Network Peer file which implements the interface as well as local functions related to the peer. Running the command
java Node <peer_id>
instantiate a specific peer. - src/ This file defines the P2P Network.
- src/ This file reads the config.txt file and creates a network and put the network in the fie
. - src/config.txt: The first line in this file contains the number of peers in the network (N) and the maximum number of neighbours of each peer (k). Each subsequent line contains the peer ID, port and IP of each peer(For Example: '1 8011' if peer 1 is running on local machine).
- src/network.txt: Each line in this file contains information of a specific peer. It contains the Peer ID, a list of neighboring peers, role of the peer, the item peer wants to buy or sell, and the count of the item it starts with(if seller). (For Example:0 [3,5] buyer Salt).
- Go to directory
which contains the source and config files. - Modify the file
as desired. - Modify the file
if you need a specific network of peers. Otherwise this will be generated randomly. - Run the follwoing command in the
a. To run the network for T seconds: 'python -t T' b. To provide a custom network: 'python -n <network.txt file path>'
c. To kill existing processes: 'python -k yes'
(Important: See the sectionUsage of script
for more details.)
Create EC2 instances with key pair value, and get the private .pem file (We used Amazon Linux 2 AMI 2.0.20210303.0 x86_64 HVM gp2 (ami-0fc61db8544a617ed) for testing).
Edit the security group to ensure that the ports required by the peers to communicate are open. In our experience, the following security setting always works -
But you can also try other security settings as long as they provide connection between the ports in different machines.
Set up password-less ssh from the local machine to the ec2 servers by running the following command from the local terminal:
ssh -i <pem_file_path> ec2-user@<ec2_public_ip>
with the private pem file and the public IP address of the EC2 instance that has been set up. (This will add the ec2 server to the known_host file so that you can ssh from the script without the need of a password). -
Run the following commands on the EC2 instance to install java libraries:
sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk
sudo yum install java-devel
Now, on your local machine, go to directory
which contains the source and config files. -
Modify the file
as desired. -
Modify the file
if you need a specific network of peers. Otherwise this will be generated randomly when you execute the python script. -
Run the following command in
directory:python -pem <pem file used to ssh to all the machines>
a. To run the network for T seconds: 'python -pem <per_file_location> -t T'
b. To provide a custom network: 'python -pem <pem_file_location> -n <network.txt_file_location>'
c. To kill existing processes on remote: 'python -pem <per_file_location> -k yes' -
To check the logs of peers specific to each machine, go to the folder
in the EC2 servers and look for the log filepeer<i>.log
usage: [-h] [-pem PEMFILE] [-n NETWORK] [-k KILL] [-t TIME]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-pem PEMFILE, --pemfile PEMFILE Provide RSA Private key file
-n NETWORK, --network NETWORK Provide the network.txt file to use a custom P2P network.
-k KILL, --kill KILL Provide yes to kill the processes on the ports specified in the config file.
-t TIME, --time TIME Provide the time in seconds for which you want to run the processes.