A mini RDF Surfaces playground in Prolog.
Latar, Indonesian for 'surface', is an attempt to create a new RDF Surfaces implementation in Prolog using Peirce's Existential Graph methods.
This code is very alpha and experimental.
Install SWIPL : https://www.swi-prolog.org/download/stable
Propositional logic
- alice : a simple conditional
(Alice a Human) -> (Alice a Person)
- built-in : a simple built-in test
- contradiction4: a test to spot contradictions in a formula
- contradiction5: a test to spot contradictions in a formula
- contradiction6: a test to spot contradictions in a formula
- data: a repeated data test
- disjunction : a simple disjunction
(Alice likes Coffee) OR (Alice likes Tea)
- double-to-one: a repeated data test
- lists: a list processing test
- nested_negation : 4 level deep negation eventually is an assertion
- lists : a simple lists test
- reductio-ad-absurdym: a reduction at absurdum test
First-order logic
- socrates : an OWL subClassOf example
- socrates2 : socrates but with two subClassOf statements
- abc : disjunction example
- abcd : disjunction plus triple nested negative surface example
The N3 serialization of RDF Surfaces can be used using the latar
command. We use
EYE as precompiler from N3 to Prolog, run the Latar code, and translate back from Prolog to N3.
$ latar n3/socrates.n3s
<urn:example:test> <urn:example:is> true.