In Dev_V2 branch, with overall improvement:
- UIAccess support
- Improved DPI scaling
- More features
- Support "Always On Top"
- ...
- ...
AlleyWind is an advanced Win32-based and open-source utility manages windows running on system. Likes Spy++
but provides more features, especially modify properties of window.
AlleyWind could:
- Displays a graphical tree of relationships among windows, and search what you want
- Shows the properties of selected window(s), and some of them could be modified:
- Text, Font, Position, Size, Style, Extended Style and Class Style
- Visibility, Availability, and Topmost property
- Hot Key, Visual Style, Display Affinity and Layered properties
- Shows private properties (e.g., address of window or dialog callback procedure) by using code injection technology
- Supports multiple languages, multiple monitors and High-DPI
Main Window: display tree view for current system windows with icons
Window Finder (Tool - Find Window): search window by name or class, or use window capture tool select window by mouse
Window properties - General Tab: window basic properties
Window properties - Resource Tab: window resource
Window properties - Relationship Tab: window relationship to process, thread and other windows
Window properties - Class Tab: window class
Window properties - Operation Tab: operations for window