project to house any findings, tweaks, and changes for setting up SkyWeather2
- Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4
- 8g memory
- Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 buster
- Python 3.7.3
- 10.3.27-MariaDB-0+deb10u1
- 64g sd card
- 38.8940100°, -90.192002°, 644.6 ft MSL contains commands ran to initialize the dependent software
init.sql contains sql commands to init mariadb
- install pi os
- enable wifi
- enable ssh
- enable camera
- enable i2c
- assemble and test
- utilize for software setup
- you can use it as a guide for each step
- configure and operate
- set up services
- pi enclosure
- Nylon Hex Thread Assortment Kit
- power enclosure
- pipe frame
- wood
- 3/4in copper bell pipe hanger x 4
- miscellanies screws...
- verify camera
- adjust camera focus
- sync forked repo
- remote dev VSCode
- ssh-agent
- code placed in .profile
- disable wifi brutoof
- fully dsable brutoof
- pwa_supplicant troubleshooting
- move maria to seondary instance
- rest controllers for dash and shutdown
- custom pi image
- add air quality sensor
- add Lightning sensor
- add SolarMax
- add gps?