This Config has been modified to allow users to easily install Arch Linux with a Btrfs file system as the root file system, and with pre-configured subvolume ready for use with the Snapper tool.
- Install archiso (
- Clone this repo
- Use mkarchiso inside the repo to build the iso
50Gb Device minimum for Automatic partitionning (Otherwise you need to make an EFI(if needed) and Root partition minimally yourself)
If using the layout only those modification need to be done at the end of your install :
sed -i 's/rootflags=subvol=${rootsubvol}//' /etc/grub.d/10_linux
sed -i 's/rootflags=subvol=${rootsubvol}//' /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen
sed -i 's|,subvolid=258,subvol=/@/.snapshots/1/snapshot| |' /etc/fstab
To make subvolume are not hardcoded into grub and fstab, so the default subvolume is used instead (and can be changed at will)
Live Environement Booting Xfce
Prompt the User If they want to Use the Full Install script with customized options or just the btrfs layout script for manual install
Installer can partition a device for you (50Gb Min.) Or you can choose to manually make your partitions for the install ( Swap and Home are optionnal )
Gparted Included for ease of partitionning
Firefox Included if you need to consult the Arch Wiki
Auto-Installer custom options per user choices (Keymap, Locale, Username, Hostname, Kernel, Shell, Graphical Environement, Choice of Repo, Aur Helper)
Possibility to add package of your choice during install (If pacman find them in the repo)
A btrfs layout working with snapper out of the box
- Bootable snapshot for easy rollback after booting them ( snapper rollback && grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg )
Make it work with Bios Done !
Add auto-Partitionning for single Drive Done ! ( will add more customisation to this latter tho.)
add luks encryption option
Add More helpful prompt
Make it nicer looking
more ..?