This is a place holder for now, we're working on setting up some of our initial configurations for how we'll deploy app components.
Here are some of the working parts:
- Setup the backend using Human Connections app
- The Venezuela team has started a proto-type android app. This will be our focus for end-user interactions. See demo videos following. Individual user: Provider:
This project, will be used for project management, demos, docs, and automation we use to configure all the things.
Future apps we'll need may include:
- Updates to Human-Connection to help us develop new data-modesl and helper api's to use within mobile apps.
- We'll have an iOS app
Some references to initial documentation:
- User flows and prototypes:
- Data tables structure Version 2 (current):
- Backlog version 3 (current):
See also the subfolder "Reference" in documents for more on initial documentation pertinent to the design of the app
We can create the instance by running theses steps. The scripts are there to make it easier.