Nginx working as a reverse proxy (inside a Docker container) for Docker containers serving web content. Nginx's configuration file is generated each time a relevant container is stopped or started. This allows services to be upgraded, maintained etc. without any downtime.
- Install docker
- Install docker-compose
- You'll probably want to edit the hugo section in docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up -d
Build the following containers (follow each link for instructions):
$ docker run -d --name rp-data -v $(pwd)/templates:/etc/docker-gen/ -v $(pwd)/sites-enabled/:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/:rw justadam/docker-gen:0.3.4 echo "Data-only container"
$ docker run -d --name docker-gen -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock -e DOCKER_HOST=unix:///docker.sock --volumes-from rp-data justadam/docker-gen:0.3.4
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 --name nginx-rp --volumes-from rp-data justadam/nginx-rp
This gives us a nginx with a reverse proxy configuration (this file can be found at docker-gen/templates/nginx.tmpl. The file will be updated by docker-gen each time a container stop or starts.
Now we need a container to serve some content; this could be anything (apache, nginx, your own webserver), but we will be using a static content site generator named hugo, which also comes with its own webserver. Each container which is to sit behind the reverse proxy needs to set an environment variable called VHOST, which is the URL it will be serving content on.
$ docker run -d --name hugo -e -v $(pwd):/content justadam/hugo:0.12