This project aims to make working with xml in scala simpler by building on the standard xml library:
Although the standard library has a lot to offer and is better than most xml libraries for other languages, I personally think it can be unwieldy once you want to try more advanced stuff (like changing child elements that satisfy a certain predicate).
My main goal therefore is the simplification of these problems.
import jstengel.ezxml.core.SimpleWrapper.ElemWrapper
import scala.xml.Elem
val elem: Elem =
<B value="test1">
<B value="test2">
<B value="test3">
val res = elem \~ ("B", _ \@ "value" == "test2") \~ "C" addChildren <D/>
\\ where "\~" is similar to "\" from the standard library and can be given a predicate.
<B value="test1">
<B value="test2">
<D/> // <- notice that the elem was only added here, as dictated by the specified predicate
// _ \@ "value" == "test2"
<B value="test3">
Complete dependencies for just the core:
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "1.3.0"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.julienst" % "ezxml-core_2.13" % "0.6.1"
Complete dependencies if the extension is used:
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "1.3.0"
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % "2.13.1"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.julienst" % "ezxml-core_2.13" % "0.6.1"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.julienst" % "ezxml-extension_2.13" % "0.6.1"
scalacOptions += "-Ymacro-annotations"
This Library is also compatible with Scala.js and could be used to communicate between Server and Client.
import jstengel.ezxml.extension.{ElemWrapper, ObjWrapper}
import jstengel.ezxml.core.SimpleWrapper.NodeWrapper
class CurriedVarArgs[A, B](val a: A*)(val b: B*) {
override def equals (obj : Any) : Boolean = obj match {
case other: CurriedVarArgs[A, B] => => p._1 == p._2) && => p._1 == p._2)
val a = new CurriedVarArgs("String1", "test2", "String3", "test4")(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
val encoded = a.xml // with this the object is automatically encoded into a xml element
val decoded = encoded.obj[CurriedVarArgs[String, Int]].get // with this the xml object can be decoded
println(a == decoded)
<java.lang.String value="String1"/>
<java.lang.String value="test2"/>
<java.lang.String value="String3"/>
<java.lang.String value="test4"/>
<java.lang.Integer value="1"/>
<java.lang.Integer value="2"/>
<java.lang.Integer value="3"/>
<java.lang.Integer value="4"/>
<java.lang.Integer value="5"/>
<java.lang.Integer value="6"/>
As you can see all objects can be saved and loaded without specifying how to decode or encode the object. But this is obviously a little bit unwieldy, when one decides to send this xml structure. For this, the following is of help:
import jstengel.ezxml.core.SimpleWrapper.ElemWrapper
val map =
Map("jstengel.ezxml.extension.QuickTest.CurriedVarArgs[java.lang.String,scala.Int]" -> "Class[String,Int]",
"a:scala.collection.immutable.Seq[java.lang.String]" -> "SeqA",
"java.lang.String" -> "String",
"b:scala.collection.immutable.Seq[java.lang.Integer]" -> "SeqB",
"java.lang.Integer" -> "Int")
val mapped = encoded.renameLabels(map.toSeq:_*) // the map can be used to rename everything in the xml output
val reverseMap = // obviously this map is reversable
val decoded2 = mapped.renameLabels(reverseMap.toSeq:_*).obj[CurriedVarArgs[String, Int]].get
println(a == decoded2)
<String value="String1"/>
<String value="test2"/>
<String value="String3"/>
<String value="test4"/>
<Int value="1"/>
<Int value="2"/>
<Int value="3"/>
<Int value="4"/>
<Int value="5"/>
<Int value="6"/>
The map that was used to shrink the original can also be encoded and decoded
println(reverseMap.xml.obj[Map[String, String]].get)
<scala.Tuple2[java.lang.String,java.lang.String] java.lang.String:_2="a:scala.collection.immutable.Seq[java.lang.String]" java.lang.String:_1="SeqA"/>
<scala.Tuple2[java.lang.String,java.lang.String] java.lang.String:_2="java.lang.Integer" java.lang.String:_1="Int"/>
<scala.Tuple2[java.lang.String,java.lang.String] java.lang.String:_2="b:scala.collection.immutable.Seq[java.lang.Integer]" java.lang.String:_1="SeqB"/>
<scala.Tuple2[java.lang.String,java.lang.String] java.lang.String:_2="jstengel.ezxml.extension.QuickTest.CurriedVarArgs[java.lang.String,scala.Int]" java.lang.String:_1="Class[String,Int]"/>
<scala.Tuple2[java.lang.String,java.lang.String] java.lang.String:_2="java.lang.String" java.lang.String:_1="String"/>
SeqA -> a:scala.collection.immutable.Seq[java.lang.String],
Int -> java.lang.Integer,
SeqB -> b:scala.collection.immutable.Seq[java.lang.Integer],
Class[String,Int] -> jstengel.ezxml.extension.QuickTest.CurriedVarArgs[java.lang.String,scala.Int],
String -> java.lang.String
The given examples are all runtime encodings and decodings and are therefore a little bit slow. But not to worry, Compile time variant can also be found under
The core part of the library simply tries to add a little extra functionality like shown in the first example. The extension part is concerned with encoding and decoding of arbitrary objects and type. To read up on all the other things one can do with this library, check out the code in
- core/src/test/scala/jstengel/ezxml/core for the core capabilities
- src/test/scala/jstengel/ezxml/extension for the extension capabilities
(The wiki is currently under construction, but once that is finished, I will link the main topics here as well)